52 adverbs to describe how to trouble

The truth is that Germany troubled itself very little about France.

If less would not do, he carried it to the smithy, but very seldom troubled Mr Willett about it, for he had learned to do small jobs, and to heat and work and temper a piece of iron within his strength as well as any man.

Refusing to smoke my grandmother's pipe because my heart was too much stirred by their words, and sorely troubled with a fear lest I should disappoint them, I arose to go.

Besides other difficulties, they were exceedingly troubled by the elephants, that brake their first ranks and put them in such disorder as the Roman ensigns were driven to fall back; all this while Claudius Nero, laboring in vain against a steep hill, was unable to come to blows with the Gauls that stood opposite him, but out of danger.

And when the Duchess was gone, Beltane sat and stared upon the fire and felt himself vaguely troubled, yet even so, as he watched the leaping flame, his head nodded and he slept, yet sleeping, dreamed he heard the Duchess calling him, and opening his eyes, found the fair Winfrida beside him: "My lord Beltane," said she softly, "thy Duchess biddeth thee wait her in the chapelfollow me, messire!"

This strange access in her of haunting loveliness, the gentle shadows that lay beneath her wideyet languorous eyes, the almost imperceptible tremor of her sweetly fashioned lips, all troubled him profoundly.

The murder deeply troubled him; the adultery not so much; the incest and usurpation mainly as interfering with the forgiveness of the murder.

One need scarcely trouble any further about M. du Paty de Clam.

He held his peace for a moment, gazing earthwards and rubbing a small heap of dust towards him with his toe; and then on a sudden he burst out into the tale which is here set down in his own words: "Nay, Saheb, I am possessed of no devil, but my wife Afiza is sore troubled by one.

[1480]"That if they do not use carnal copulation, are continually troubled with heaviness and headache; and some in the same case by intermission of it."

" He turned away, and apparently dismissed the matter from his mind, but that it troubled him long afterward I am quite certain, though in the whole affair no particle of blame attached to him.

Indeed, it has just been remarked here, that the three centuries under consideration, the middle ages, were, in point of fact, one of the most brutal, most ruffianly epochs in history, one of those wherein we encounter most crimes and violence; wherein the public peace was most incessantly troubled; and wherein the greatest licentiousness in morals prevailed.

" I do confess that this parting shot went home to my conscience, and troubled my mind considerably; for feeling that he was in the right of it as regarded our relative honesty, I was constrained to think that his prophecy might come true also to our shame and undoing.

"Poor Waubenoo was now sadly troubled.

The first, if a lady happen to be old or plain, or indifferent to him, is apt to limit his attentions to respect, or utilitynow the latter never troubles himself with these distinctions: he is repulsed by no extremity of years, nor deformity of feature; he adores, with equal ardour, both young and old, nor is either often shocked by his visible preference of the other.

Caesar, who did not profess to be a historian, but only to provide the materials for history, stands alone in making facts more important than words, and rarely troubles his reader with speeches or other rhetorical superfluities.

how I envied him lying, all troubles past, in his quiet grave!

I should be glad to have a little of your Advice in this Matter: I would not willingly trouble you to contrive how it may be a Pleasure to me; if you will but put me in a Way that I may bear it with Indifference, I shall rest satisfied.

If I was writing to Lady Sophia, I would tell her of the comedies and operas which are every night, at very low prices; but I believe even you will agree with me that they are ordered to be as convenient as possible, every mortal going in a mask, and consequently no trouble in dressing, or forms of any kind."

I now, according to promise in my last, send you a few out of the many cases I am almost hourly troubled with.

l. 1. c. 18, saith, "He knew many monks and widows grievously troubled with melancholy, and that from this sole cause."

She had been terribly troubled by dreams of late.

WILDES, HARRY EMERSON. Anthony Wayne, trouble shooter of the American Revolution.

"I am the last to wish to trouble poor Ash unnecessarily, but the tea waited for ten minutes before you came down.

This masquerade of styles troubles the mind, yet not unpleasantly; it is unpretending and artless; each century has built according to its own fancy, without concerning itself about its neighbor.

52 adverbs to describe how to  trouble  - Adverbs for  trouble