90 adverbs to describe how to troubled

The poor landlord was sorely troubled; it must not that any thing de trop take place in his house.

The truth is that Germany troubled itself very little about France.

Though nothing could change his features, the moment had come when their inharmonious lines no longer obtruded themselves upon the eye; and the anxious, nay, deeply troubled official whom he addressed, saw nothing but the ardour and quiet self-confidence they expressed.

Refusing to smoke my grandmother's pipe because my heart was too much stirred by their words, and sorely troubled with a fear lest I should disappoint them, I arose to go.

If less would not do, he carried it to the smithy, but very seldom troubled Mr Willett about it, for he had learned to do small jobs, and to heat and work and temper a piece of iron within his strength as well as any man.

Besides other difficulties, they were exceedingly troubled by the elephants, that brake their first ranks and put them in such disorder as the Roman ensigns were driven to fall back; all this while Claudius Nero, laboring in vain against a steep hill, was unable to come to blows with the Gauls that stood opposite him, but out of danger.

" Now was Roger sore troubled and fain was to speak, but beholding his master's flashing eye, he presently did as he was commanded.

And when the Duchess was gone, Beltane sat and stared upon the fire and felt himself vaguely troubled, yet even so, as he watched the leaping flame, his head nodded and he slept, yet sleeping, dreamed he heard the Duchess calling him, and opening his eyes, found the fair Winfrida beside him: "My lord Beltane," said she softly, "thy Duchess biddeth thee wait her in the chapelfollow me, messire!"

This strange access in her of haunting loveliness, the gentle shadows that lay beneath her wideyet languorous eyes, the almost imperceptible tremor of her sweetly fashioned lips, all troubled him profoundly.

The murder deeply troubled him; the adultery not so much; the incest and usurpation mainly as interfering with the forgiveness of the murder.

Still, she was vaguely troubled.

Yet, as you do mind, when I came upon them, the Lady Mirdath had a half-regret, that was very natural, because even then she was in love of me, as I of her; and because of this, she drew away, as you shall remember, beingas she confessedsuddenly and strangely troubled and to want me; but afterwards as much set again to my punishment, because that I bowed so cold and went away.

" He turned away, and apparently dismissed the matter from his mind, but that it troubled him long afterward I am quite certain, though in the whole affair no particle of blame attached to him.

One need scarcely trouble any further about M. du Paty de Clam.

[1480]"That if they do not use carnal copulation, are continually troubled with heaviness and headache; and some in the same case by intermission of it."

He held his peace for a moment, gazing earthwards and rubbing a small heap of dust towards him with his toe; and then on a sudden he burst out into the tale which is here set down in his own words: "Nay, Saheb, I am possessed of no devil, but my wife Afiza is sore troubled by one.

Soon many differences of opinion and of natural disposition showed themselves in the two girls, but Mea, in her overflowing joy of having found a friend, was little troubled by this at first.

It has seldom troubled to look for the human energy that wrought out his successes, the faith that upheld them, and the enthusiasm that burned in the Prophet himself with a sombre flame, lighting his followers to prayer and conquest.

And when this action was brought it was not he alone who was surprised and profoundly troubled, but, permit me to say, we, who cannot understand the action, and I myself most of all, who had read the book with a very lively interest as soon as it was published.

From the look of his handsome young face, his heart was now exceedingly troubled.

The colour rose to her face and her eyes grew faintly troubled, then a proud light flashed in them.

Of sexes both, but men more often; yet [1048]women misaffected are far more violent, and grievously troubled.

Indeed, it has just been remarked here, that the three centuries under consideration, the middle ages, were, in point of fact, one of the most brutal, most ruffianly epochs in history, one of those wherein we encounter most crimes and violence; wherein the public peace was most incessantly troubled; and wherein the greatest licentiousness in morals prevailed.

" Mrs. Rolliver hesitated, visibly troubled to the point of regretting her intervention.

She seemed sincerely troubled over the situation.

90 adverbs to describe how to  troubled  - Adverbs for  troubled