4 adverbs to describe how to tweaks

" The Marquis Tudesco, after tweaking the son's ear amicably and bowing to the father with a dignified familiarity, walked away with a step that was still jaunty.

Benton playfully tweaked Katy John's ear and went whistling up the trail.

It seemed to be saucily tweaking the ear of that insufferably solemn Things-as-They-Are goddess.

A couple of deft and noiseless parlour-maids attended to and anticipated the wants of her guests, from the moment they entered her hospitable doors till when, on their leaving them, their coats were held for them in the most convenient possible manner for the easy insertion of the human arm, and the tails of their dinner-coats cunningly and unerringly tweaked from behind.

4 adverbs to describe how to  tweaks  - Adverbs for  tweaks