40 adverbs to describe how to twinkled

She looked at him suspiciously, as he put the ends of the slender white fingers of his two hands together, and leant forward to listen with that smile of his and eyes faintly twinkling.

Liane Delorme was actually chuckling in appreciation of his readiness, pleased with him even in the moment of her own discomfiture; her eyes twinkling merrily at him above the fan with which she hid a convulsed countenance.

Above, the stars twinkled brightly, and in the ivy the night-birds stirred the leaves.

"I guess Mr. Randolph forgot to put in his card!" Polly's eyes twinkled mischievously.

With the view, doubtless, of putting these in practice, she induced Simon to walk with her on the lawn after tea, while the stars were twinkling dimly through a soft, misty sky, and the lazy river lapped and gurgled against the garden banks.

The blaze from a myriad workshops and forges glows against the darkness, the lamps twinkle overhead on the steep banks, and the lights from wharf and steamer are reflected in a thousand shimmering lines on the dark water, which flows on soundlessly, like the river of a dream.

he twinkled gravely.

His eyes twinkled pleasantly.

"As a tomb," he agreed, and his eyes twinkled disagreeably in the darkness.

You don't expect people to guess what you're going to do next, do you?" "I suppose not," said Dolly, impenitently, her eyes still twinkling.

Its bluish-gray was twinkling enjoyably into hers.

To them the little dancing teacher whose white spats twinkled so expertly in the tangle of their own clumsy clumping boots was more than a pretty girl.

There were no traces of that modern spoiler the speculative builder just hereabouts; and the quaint old houses near the barracks, where lights were twinkling feebly here and there, had a look of days that are gone, a touch of that plaintive poetry which pervades all relics of the past.

" The blue eyes began to twinkle humorously.

You don't expect people to guess what you're going to do next, do you?" "I suppose not," said Dolly, impenitently, her eyes still twinkling.

"I know that our kind friend, Lady Evesham" his eyes twinkled ironically and seemed to slip inwards"has always been inclined to indulge your whims.

Slowly the stranger slid his foot from the doorsill to the doorstep; slowly, very slowly, his keenly twinkling black gaze travelled over the girl from her face to her feet and up again to finally fasten upon and hold as with a tangible grip her angry blue eyes.

Her black eyes twinkled knowingly when they met Eric's puzzled ones.

The stars twinkled madly.

Jemmy," he added, "aren't you ashamed to be playing such tricks on my friend, Mr. Lester?" The small creature's eyes twinkled maliciously as he glanced up at me.

He did not merely twinkle this time.

The light from the forked-tree cast through the window rays that resembled moonlight, as they mingled with the radiance within, while outside it twinkled with the sprightliness of old-fashioned humour.

Work always put the old man in a sort of incandescent fury, and now as Bob spoke to him, he raised an inflamed face, from which the small eyes twinkled redly, with a grunt of inquiry.

"Sad, but true," continued the Doctor, his eyes twinkling reminiscently.

Her complexion was creamy and colourless, her nose rather retrousse, her lips full and parting in a delicious roguish smile, answering to the sleepily twinkling eyes, whose irides seemed to shade so imperceptibly into the palest gray, that there was no telling where the pupils ended, especially as the lids were habitually half closed, as if weighed down by the black length of their borders.

40 adverbs to describe how to  twinkled  - Adverbs for  twinkled