5 adverbs to describe how to uncommon

The possible variety of combinations in this sort of numbers is unlimited; but, the pure and simple kinds being generally preferred, any stated mixture of feet is comparatively uncommon.

The young man was a decidedly uncommon personage.

The courage that snatches a comrade from under the guns of the enemy or a child from the flames is, happily, not uncommon.

The great numbers of men under arms on shore, the terrific slaughter in many battles of a war in which tactical ability, even in a moderate degree, was notably uncommon on both sides, and the varying fortunes of the belligerents, made the land campaigns far more interesting to the ordinary observer than the naval.

In one part of the wood, near what I took to be an old city reservoir, I came upon a single white-throated sparrow and a humming-bird,the latter a strangely uncommon sight in Tallahassee, where, of all the places I have ever seen, it ought to find itself in clover.

5 adverbs to describe how to  uncommon  - Adverbs for  uncommon