35 adverbs to describe how to uneasy

There was a new look in his eyes this morning, a look as though he were watching her, and it made her vaguely uneasy.

Gifford asked himself the obvious question with a decidedly uneasy feeling.

Then to Uncle Pros, "We-all was mighty uneasy when you never come back.

It made some of them visibly uneasy.

Arthur could, though, when he had heard her story, and Diana's impudent meddling made him distinctly uneasy.

This uncertainty rendered all the more reflecting portion of the colonists exceedingly uneasy.

We dare say he tries to do his best, and thinks that mobility is the criterion of efficiency; but we don't care for his perpetual activity, and shouldn't like to sleep with him, for we are afraid he would be a dreadfully uneasy bed-fellow.

[Mean time I] am excessively uneasy for a letter I sent you yesterday by Collins, [who must have left it at]

Mr. Morris was terribly uneasy.

This rendered them all a trifle uneasy and when they left the dining room Arthur went to the hotel clerk and asked: "Have you seen Mr. Jones this evening?" "No," was the reply.

Knowing, as he did, that such a charge had once been connected with his name, he would of course be perpetually uneasy, and suspect some latent insinuation at every possible opportunity.

He was obviously uneasy, low-spirited and reserved, said he had already been a fortnight in Devonshire stopping with some friends at Plymouth, and, after a week's stay with the Dashwoods, left them, in spite of their wishes and his own, and without any restraint on his time.

He is thus carried in derision round the village, attended by the hootings, scoffs, and hisses of his numerous attendants, who pull down his legs, so as to render his seat in other respects abundantly uneasy.

I cared not to drive a nail, or chop a stick of wood now, for fear the noise I might make should be heard: much less would I fire a gun, for the same reason: and, above all, I was intolerably uneasy at making any fire, lest the smoke, which is visible at a great distance in the day, should betray me.

Feltram was growing manifestly uneasy, angry almost; he walked away a little, and back again, and then two or three times round the tree, with his hands shut, and treading the ground like a man trying to warm his feet, and so impatiently he returned, and looked again on the stone.

Number two, and he gravely held up a second finger: Always before when this idea had come to bother him it had faded after a moment or two, leaving him merely uneasy and dissatisfied.

Mrs. Fletcher grew momently more uneasy, after her husband left the house.

The girl was plainly uneasy and puzzled at my manner.

So from horror he passed to a personal relief, of which he was rather ashamed, and then again to a real uneasy pity for the wife and for the vulgar daughter who had so bitterly resented his handling of her charms.

The Germans had a similar superstition regarding wolves, and the same respecting the wild boar; and with these let us compare the British belief, that warlocks and weird women possess the power of transforming themselves into hares, cats, &c. Swine, which are strangely uneasy in or against tempestuous weather, are believed to see the wind.

Most birds under similar circumstances fancy themselves pursued, and become suspiciously uneasy; but, instead of growing nervous about it, he made his usual dippings, and sang one of his most tranquil strains.

He was terrible uneasy about it at fust, but, as nothing 'appened and he seemed to go on very prosperous-like, 'e began to forget 'is fears, when all of a sudden 'e went 'ome one day and found 'is wife in bed with a broken leg.

But, d'ye ken, wife, I was unco uneasy when I discovered the bulk o' it on ma shoe efter we had withdrew to the drawin' room' 'Haud yer tongue, man!

I was more than afraid; I was inexplicably uneasy.

But on the rare occasions when Aunt Victoria was with them, there was a different and ominous note to the talk which made Sylvia acutely uneasy, although she was quite unable to follow what was said.

35 adverbs to describe how to  uneasy  - Adverbs for  uneasy