13 adverbs to describe how to unintelligible

Welch, who imagined that he was exalting himself in Dr. Johnson's eyes by using big words, spoke in a manner that was utterly unintelligible to the boy; Dr. Johnson perceiving it, addressed himself to the boy, and changed the pompous phraseology into colloquial language.

"The thirteenth book!" exclaimed Nonnus, "containing the contest between wine and honey, without which my epic becomes totally and entirely unintelligible!"

A little coaxing, and the investiture of a red cap upon the chief's head, gradually repossessed them of their senses, and we were soon gabbling each in our own language, and therefore mutually unintelligible.

You will find the latter part hopelessly unintelligible, if you read it before reaching it in regular course.

To the majority of European statesmen and politicians it has been merely unintelligible.

For though you are presumed to be a modern, writing only of days of old, yet you should not write a word purely unintelligible to your heroine.

I observed a peculiarity in this part of the country, viz., that there are villages lying close to each other in some of which French is spoken, in others Flemish; and that, with some few exceptions, the inhabitants of neighbouring villages are reciprocally unintelligible.

This is at first seemingly unintelligible: for the apostles certainly would have been intensely shocked at the thought of punishing men, in body, purse, or station, for not being Christians or not being orthodox.

"It is a mere figment of the human imagination, a rhapsody of the transcendently unintelligible.

Deus creavit is so far the only moderately intelligible, or at least not demonstrably unintelligible, answer given to the problem of In principio.

" No. 299: "She stares, without having an object, gives vent to long sighs, laughs into vacant space, mutters unintelligible wordssurely she must bear something in her heart.

In one of his gossipy, confidential letters Fisher Ames remarked that Hammond was a most "petulant, impudent" man, habitually railing against the conduct of our government "with a gabble that his feelings render doubly unintelligible.

He called to mind and expounded ancient oracles heretofore unintelligible: he had himself been told, and had disbelieved, that the happiest day of his own life would be that on which he should feel himself divested of immortality.

13 adverbs to describe how to  unintelligible  - Adverbs for  unintelligible