552 adverbs to describe how to uses

Beaumaroy sometimes addressed his employer as "Mr. Saffron," but much more commonly he used the respectful "sir."

The whip was seldom used.

It is now extensively used in Church, State, and Society.

For considering that Donnegan, who had gone through his whole life with his eyes ready either to mock or hate, and who had rarely used his hand except to make a fist of it; Donnegan who had never, so far as is known, had a companion; who had asked the world for action, not kindness; this Donnegan now stood straight with his back against the wall, and poured out the story of his wayward life to a mere slip of a girl.

] No. 11 is another handcuff of foreign make, and is merely used when a raid is about to be made, as it allows to a certain extent the use of the hands.

He approved of the tobacco-shed as a store for arms, for he could reach it from the river by a little-used road through the woods.

Have words by all means, the more of them the better, but use them temperately, sparingly.

It was natural, then, that the new workers were principally used in registration work and in making military supplies.

Rightly used, each is for the social good.

At no great distance from this hollow square, (which was used exclusively for buying and selling,) might be seen an infinite variety of persons, collected in groupes, all engaged in some occupation or amusement, according to their several tastes and humours.

I have been badly used, and nobody seems to care.

Labor-power, whether it is paid for or not, must be used wisely or we shall not be able to maintain the structure of our civilization.

It filled one side only of the large sheet of notepaper, which was what Lady Mary habitually used.

KILLS MANY WITH ARMORED CAR Lieutenant Henkart, attached to the general staff of the Belgian Army, perfected a monitor armored motor car which was successfully used by the Belgians.

In the employment of all the species of unusual words, moderation is necessary: for metaphors, foreign words, or any of the others improperly used, and with a design to be ridiculous, would produce the same effect.

Opiates are an ingredient in different forms and proportions in almost all the soothing-syrups, cough medicines, cholera mixtures, pain cures, and consumption remedies, so widely and unwisely used.

We often use nouns adjectively; and Areios is an adjective: I would therefore write this name Mars Hill, as we write Bunker Hill.

"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you,that ye may be the children of your Father in heaven, for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

'Is not the expression in the Burial-service, "in the sure and certain hope of a blessed resurrection," too strong to be used indiscriminately, and, indeed, sometimes when those over whose bodies it is said, have been notoriously profane?'

From the nose to the root of the tail he measures about eight inches; and his tail, which he so effectively uses in interpreting his feelings, is about six inches in length.

And the act expressly reserves to him all power which, independently of its provisions, he could have used.

"Without your leave and in your lifetime, open force will scarcely he used against us; and if against secret murder or outrage we appeal to the law, you will see that the law does justice?"

It is also used adverbially, both alone and with the article a; as, "The poor sleep little.

Folium ("a leaf") has given us the word "folio"; and the word liber, originally meaning the "inner bark of a tree," was afterward used by the Romans to signify a book; whence we derive our words, "library," "librarian," etc.

2. The following words are often used loosely today, some because their original meaning is lost sight of, some because they are confused with other words.

552 adverbs to describe how to  uses  - Adverbs for  uses