83 adverbs to describe how to varying

The work varies considerably from year to year, according to how it takes hold upon the children's interest.

These two factions, as it will readily be observed, and as their names indicate, are of the most widely varying character and scope; a fact to be further illustrated by the proceedings which followed.

The popularity of opera among fashionable people in this city varies inversely as the intelligibility of the language in which it is sung.

As the universe, which at once creates and destroys life, is a complex of infinitely varying forces, history can never repeat itself.

The reflexions that occupied his mind continually varied: at one time he painted to himself the proud career of his high spirited boy, known and admired among the mighty of his time; a moment after he saw the prediction verified, and the child of his love lying in the tomb.

This food, also, varies materially in the different species.

The horse, on the other hand, is rarely heard, and, though having a piercing whinny which passes through every semitone of the scale, it is scarcely ever varied.

A more noble object of inanimate nature is not to be contemplated than a large and lofty branching tree; in its boughs and leaves, endlessly varying, matted together and intersecting each other, we see the palpable image of infinity.

Lord PERCIVAL spoke next as follows:Sir, I look upon the question now under your consideration, to vary very little in reality from that which was debated here the first day of this session.

"We know that the bird from the isles of Canary Is fed, foreign airs to sing in a fine cage; But your note from a cackle so seldom does vary, The fancy of man it cannot much engage.

In the perpetually varying nomenclature, from vitious orthography, and changes of dominion, it is often difficult to ascertain the nations or districts indicated.

All that we are justified in saying is that the rate at which it takes place may vary almost indefinitely.

Subject to chilblains Intellectually, these people vary enormously, depending upon which of the other glands will enlarge to compensate for the deficiency of the thyroid.

The rate of sickness and mortality varied exceedingly in different months.

The thermometer now varied essentially, sometimes rising considerably above zero, though oftener falling far below it.

What has been said about Germany and the Versailles Treaty can be said about all the other conquered countries and all the other treaties, with merely varying proportions in each case.

But, apart from the question of their origin, the different varieties have many other attributes in common; all perform the same kind of work, and in the same manner; consequently the system of breaking or training them varies only according to the temper or ideas of those who undertake their schooling.

Locally the relationship varies.

Out of such resources Pindar is inexhaustible in building up in subtly varying forms the splendid structure of his song.

This is the natural heat of a healthy person, and in health it rarely varies more than a degree or two.

Many, indeed, alter their conduct, and are not at fifty what they were at thirty; but they commonly varied imperceptibly from themselves, followed the train of external causes, and rather suffered reformation than made it.

The author has had constructed a cylindrical lens in which the axis remains constant in direction and amount of refraction, while the refraction in the meridian at right angles to this varies continuously.

Close the left eye, and fix the right steadily on the left-hand inkstand, gradually varying the distance from the eye to the ink-bottle.

altogether; and as high pressure steam is merely low pressure steam compressed into a smaller compass, the size of the feed pump in relation to the size of the cylinder must obviously vary in the direct proportion of the pressure; and if it be 1/240th of the capacity of the cylinder when the total pressure of the steam is 20 lbs.

If the world consisted of things which constantly and arbitrarily varied their appearance, if nothing was ever like anything else, or like itself for more than a moment at a time, living beings as at present constituted would not act at all.

83 adverbs to describe how to  varying  - Adverbs for  varying