53 adverbs to describe how to veils

Both were dressed in black and heavily veiled, but there was about them the indefinable distinction of mistress and maid.

He knew that in the daily attrition and conventional intimacies of the table, the drawing-room, or the promenade, the cloak covering his resentful antipathy, his moral perversities, his thinly veiled impatience, was worn to such thin shreds that eyes keen as Jack's must see and know him as he was.

He only exchanged, for unaffected interest and implied confidence, the tone of ironical doubt by which he had rendered it out of the question for his courtiers to charge him with a belief in that which public opinion might pronounce impossible, while making it apparent to me that he regarded the bigotry of scepticism with scarcely veiled contempt.

Naked truth is out of place before the eyes of the profane vulgar; it can only make its appearance thickly veiled.

She was closely wrapped up in a large and loose mantle, and deeply veiled.

A month before, in a far-off place, J. Rodney Potts had suffered extinction through the apparently casual agency of a moving railway train, the intervention of the gods in all such matters being discreetly veiled so that the denser of us shall suspect nothing but that they were the merest of accidents.

I put these questions to scientific men; and I do not see why they should be answered by silence or ridicule, merely because the whole subject is veiled in mystery.

It revealed so much that might have been mercifully veiled.

The idlers hastily veiled their mouths with much coughing and clearing of the throat.

I never saw a grander sight than the vast blackened, smoking plain, beyond which the flames raged and roared like thunder, while the dense white smoke, settling low down, partially veiled the sunlight and gave a weird, strange appearance, that is indescribable, to the scene.

Scarcely any remark was made in my presence that I could not twist into a cleverly veiled reference to myself.

He was a fiery orator, and I felt on this occasion that he delivered himself straight at me, with a very poorly veiled malignance.

He spoke of his charm, his outlook on life, sometimes curiously veiled, often uncannily clairvoyant; his periods of restless suffering tending to queer, unsocial impulses; then the flowering of an interval of hard work and its reward of almost supernatural joy.

There was something solemn and imposing in her proud bearing, her extraordinary composure, which only imperfectly veiled her raging grief and passionate excitement.

After several reflective puffs, the smoke of which insufficiently veiled his furtive appraisal of myself, he tried again: "They give O'Dowd a shade, last night.

Only the snow can reach her as she lies, Far and serene, and with cold finger-tips Seal soft the lovely quiet of her lips And lightly veil the shadows of her eyes.

Luckily, she was closely veiled, and he did not recognize her.

" Peaches modestly veiled his pale green eyes beneath dropped lids and turned his head away.

Between her and me was a gas chandelier which cast its light on my back but full on her face; and her veil notwithstanding, I could see that she was looking at me steadily; was, in fact, watching me intently and with a very curious expressionan expression of expectancy mingled with alarm.

" "That is very sad," said Douglas, with cold disgust, perfunctorily veiled by a conventional air of sympathy.

Wonderfullyreally wonderfullylike the Tree of Knowledge in Eden, he said, was that Pole: all the rest of earth lying open and offered to manbut That persistently veiled and 'forbidden.'

"Mary A is again from home;" "Mary is fallen ill again:" how often do such tear-fraught phrasestenderly veiled, lest!

It was a July evening; a last rosy light lay on the tree-tops, and through the luminous haze, like a veil over the slopes of the hillside and the grey plain of the distant city, the windows on Montmartre burned like sparks of gold.

Thus plausibly you veil the intended wrong, But still you bring your exiled gods along; And will endeavour, in succeeding space, Those household puppets on our hearths to place.

he insinuated, politely veiling the quick jealousy of his nature.

53 adverbs to describe how to  veils  - Adverbs for  veils