36 adverbs to describe how to weary

The articles on Free Trade and Protection in the daily papers have hitherto been regarded as the climax of all that utterly wearies the long-suffering human soul; but I tell you, as a candid friend, that they are but little more depressing and jading to the vital powers than your unceasing mention of life-insurance.

In all the days of her life she had never been so unutterably weary.

A fine, grim set of men, terribly weary but amiable, except for the officers.

It was evident that he was spent and desperately weary.

These good people willed him to go make his home under their roof in Amsterdam; and he was very fain to seek that shelter, being exceedingly weary in spirit, as one half spent with toil and grief; only two things held him back.

I am heartily weary of the trust, which has given me so much trouble, and can never think myself safe till I am quite got rid of it: rather than be plagued any longer with the odious keeping, I am willing to abandon my letters to his discretion.

The monks who had to teach him, too, were not all of them so patient and kind as Father Gottlieb, his uncle, whose duties in the convent did not often allow him to be his young nephew's instructor; and there were hours and days when Hans grew sadly wearied of the task he had undertaken, and his resolution would waver and falter.

And perhaps, from this cause, he gradually wearied of and relaxed the practice, and at length returned entirely to his ancient habits.

Thereupon Mr. Van Torp turned at last from the contemplation of the waistcoat and looked out of the bay-window at the distant trees, as if he were excessively weary of Logotheti's talk.

Upon one of these he sank down, as if physically weary.

'Dolph sprang ashore at once, but the children followed with some difficulty, for they were cold and stiff, and infinitely weary yet.

" My interest in and respect for the strange character so manifestly suited for, so intensely weary of, the grandest position that man could fill, increased with each successive interview.

"Meantime, I am wearied of this scene, and must put an end to it.

Let the final test of all literary works be, 'Is it real and true?'" To the romantic school quite another class of ideas appeals; to it much of the so-called realistic literature seems very bad, or merely "weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable."

The road back was easier than I had feared, for I had the slope of the hill to guide me; but I was mortally weary of my load before I plumped it down inside the stockade.

Then, being perchance weary, I laid me down in a spot where the verdure was deepest and softest.

If Veronica had yielded the point, she had done so in order to get rid of an importunity which wearied her perpetually.

Presumably also she had wearied of the work, let the book lie, and coming to it later, turned it upside down and started with a more useful purpose: for three pages at the end contained several household recipes in the same writing grown severer, including "Garland Wine (Mrs. Massiter's Way)" and "A good Cottage Pie for a Pore Person.

And, we shaped to this plan that Naani made; but at that time, as you do mind, it was somewhat of seventeen hours since last we had slumber; and the Maid was sore wearied, as I did see.

Her sister-in-law's hand lay clasped in hers, but both looked from the carriage windows without speaking, and the return from the drive found them strangely weary and inclined for the quiet of their own rooms.

Noticing his shoulder was just touching hers, and feeling a trifle weary on her camp-stool, she leaned back a little.

Presently he felt himself to be unbearably weary.

She looked pale and unspeakably weary in the searching morning light.

This was the picture that Stephen White saw, as he came slowly up the road on his way home after an unusually wearying day.

It was vastly wearying work.

36 adverbs to describe how to  weary  - Adverbs for  weary