38 adverbs to describe how to whine

Good heavenlook at that!" Kazan whined softly, his bloodshot eyes on the girl's face.

I was seated, and something was whining piteously, and licking me.

Bart whined eagerly.

Usually she whined coaxingly.

Gray Wolf whined joyfully when he turned into the forest, and drew so close to him that her shoulder rubbed against Kazan's as they traveled side by side.

On the cement highway the spinning tyres whined musically.

But the words that were actually heard passing between them, while the shells whined overhead, were these: 'What I says is, 'e ought to have married 'er.'

The wolf whined disconsolately just beyond the range of his vision.

"What do you want me to do?" The wolf whined louder, his eyes luminous with ineffable appeal.

And with wild gallop, baying furiously, Ran at Amphitryon's son: but feebly whined And fawned upon the old man at his side.

Next in the calendar of atrocities committed within these drear walls, were the murders of Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers; Richard, Lord Grey; Sir Thomas Vaughan; and Sir Richard Hawse, in 1483; by Richard III., whom Shakspeare makes to whine forth: O Pomfret, Pomfret!

Frank and Archie were chopping, and the blows of their axes resounded with redoubled force, and the other boys caught up the guns, and ran off in the direction in which the tree was about to fall, followed by Sport and Lightfoot, and Brave stationed himself close behind his master, and barked and whined furiously.

The cats cowered close to the Cardinal; the dog at first accompanied the Pope, but whined so grievously, as though he beheld a spirit, that Alexander bade him back.

Besides, by getting into action, our artillery was now focusing the attention and drawing the fire of the Russian guns, for most of the latter's shells whined harmlessly above us, being aimed at the batteries in our rear.

So saying he made another step forward, and it brought a snarl from the dog; not one of those high-whining noises, but a deep guttural that sounded like indrawn breath.

" The mate whined inarticulately.

From a slit in the wall the wheel of the punkah-thong whined insistently,rise and fall, rise and fall of peevish complaint, distressing as a brain-fever bird.

Gray Wolf could smell it and she whined joyously, with her blind face turned toward it.

Two smaller dogs, Desmond's property, made a rush to come in; but I shut them out, whereat they whined so loudly that Mrs. Somers was provoked to attack him for bringing his dogs in the house.

Willy Woolly pattered over, sat down before it, and, gazing through and beyond the meaningless face with eyes of adoration whose purport there was no mistaking, whined lovingly.

Unlike his wife, the poor man did not deny the existence of witchcraft, and merely whined out, in reply to the magistrate's censure, that he was a poor creature and could not help it.

When she uncovered that little emaciated face, the sick child gazed at me with wild, burning eyes, and began to whine pitifully.

He was whining querulously as I stepped ashore, and the first words I heard him say were: "An organ!

At the end of perhaps a minute there came from the veranda a perfect imitation of the lascar's ungrammatical, whining singsong from a fo'castle-head: "Hum dekta hai!I'm on the watch.

The steel jacketed bullet hit a stone and spitefully whined away into the canyon.

38 adverbs to describe how to  whine  - Adverbs for  whine