8 adverbs to describe how to whinny

Fumbling his way down behind the stalls, Bill's roan lashed out at him with savage heels; but Maggie, the old draft horse, whinnied softly, greeting that familiar heavy step.

The roan turned and whinnied hungrily at sight of them.

She can make a punkin pie Quick's a cat can wink her eye" Out ahead, where the trail wound aimlessly around a low sand ridge flecked with scrubby sage half buried in gray snowbanks, a horse whinnied inquiringly; Barney, his own red-roan, perked his ears toward the sound and sent shrill answer.

When Old Heck, Carolyn June and Ophelia returned to the Quarter Circle KT the evening of the day following the fight, the Gold Dust maverick whinnied lonesomely from the circular corral as the Clagstone "Six" stopped in front of the house.

"Hello, old thing, cheerio and all the rest of it," Huntsman whinnied lovingly.

I think she loved him, for when he left her she whinnied shrilly, and he had to go back and stroke and caress her.

" The colt came waltzing joyously along the road, and catching sight of the chestnut, whinnied delightedly, and the chestnut responded with one short whinny of reproof.

Before long every one of the six necks was stretched across the top-rail and when Alcatraz turned his back on them they whinnied uneasily to call him back.

8 adverbs to describe how to  whinny  - Adverbs for  whinny