84 adverbs to describe how to youngest

He stood for a moment, admiring her; not as a beauty, but a healthy comely young woman, stout-hearted, and with humanity and a sense of fun in her.

Though comparatively young, they were about 100 feet high, and their lithe, brushy tops were rocking and swirling in wild ecstasy.

When he was a jolly young officer in the Guards, and came to see them at Brighton, they showed him the blue dragon Chayny jar on which he would sit, and over which he cried so fearfully upon breaking it.

The eldest of these princes was about fourteen years of age, and the two others considerably younger.

Mrs Mitchell was a tiny brown-eyed creature, who looked absurdly young; she was kind, sprightly, and rather like a grouse.

She lifted her face, beautiful, rosy, eternally young.

You must have been exceedingly young!"

While a motherly housewife prepared us some lunch, all a-bustle with expectancy of an imminent inroad of harvesters due to thresh the corn, and liable to eat all before them, a sprightly young daughter, who attended the same school, and whom we had told about our call at the schoolhouse, entertained us with girlish gossip of the neighbourhood.

She was not so pathetically young as she was pathetically blond, a treacherous, ready-to-fade kind of blondness that one day, now that she had found that very morning her first gray hair, would leave her ashy.

He seemed strangely young, but what surprised me most was that he stood upon a piece of bright green moss which I had always learned to think would never bear.

Edward Neal was only twenty-one, Annie but nineteen, and both were singularly young and innocent of soul.

"He seems awfully young to hold such an important place," she added.

She fled from the room, to return presently bearing the prettiest hat that Dave ever remembered having seen on her shapely young head.

Kathleen and Julia seemed ridiculously young to her.

But many circumstances have conspired to keep up in Ganymede the illusion that he is surprisingly young.

Here was already enough to establish a strong association between his sense of identity and his sense of being unusually young.

All of the men in my department are quite youngtoo young for the responsibility.

You're so charmingly young and romantic.

The first one of your men I saw dead lay alone by the roadside, a boy, foolishly young, with a tired face that was still smiling.

a beautiful girlso young, that it is perfectly impossible for you to form any judgment on her inclinations or her temperat a time when her character is undecidedunformedwhen that which is mere caprice, frequently assumes the hue of passion, and wears all its fervour and intensity.

Here was a young foreman or manager in charge of the carting work; a lordly young spark he was, and grumbled at not getting horses enough, for all that there were not so many loads to come.

By her side merely technically young people seem heavy and serious.

Yer know me an' her an' Angy all went ter school tergether, although Miss Ellie is so much younger 'n the rest o' us that we call her the baby.

It was at first proposed that Williams and Moffat should go together to Polynesia; but Mr. Waugh remarked that "thae twa lads were ower young to gang together," so they were separated.

But after this he devised and founded an ingenious organisation for consolidating the literary interests of all the four continents (subsequently including Australasia and Polynesia), he himself presiding in the central office, which thus became a new theatre for the constantly repeated situation of an astonished stranger in the presence of a boldly scheming administrator found to be remarkably young.

84 adverbs to describe how to  youngest  - Adverbs for  youngest