30 Metaphors for drink

Their drink is a kind of wine made of rice, having no other wine in the country, neither is any other imported by them.

The reader will see that we had cause to be grateful, when he takes into consideration that drinking and fighting was the order of the day, and drunkenness and carousing the order of the night.

Their drink is beer and milk, and they subsist upon meat with rice and millet.

The drink of the people is rain-water, which they preserve with great care; their fuel, a sort of turf, which they gather and form with the hand.

Yet, withal, he was no greater coward than other men,indeed, much braver than most,had been wounded whilst leading a forlorn hope over a barricade,and would, I doubt not, have fought well without aguardiente, had drinking been a mark of cowardice in the army.

" "Drink ain't the only bad habit," replied Hiram.

Christ for us shall be our food; Faith in him our drink shall be; Hopeful, joyful, let us drink Soberness of ecstasy!

To you is known what we require, Strong drink to sip is our desire; Come, brew me such without delay!

Strong drink is not my weakness.

If it stands too long, or is boiled, more indeed is got out of it, but an astringent, disagreeable drink is the result.

Their drink was a sort of liquor as white as milk, and another somewhat blackish, tasting like green wine, made from unripe grapes, but they could not learn what fruit it was made from.

Yes," he continued; "for what few understand is that drink is an idealismand," he presently added with a laugh, "and, of course, like all idealisms, it has its dangers.

The drinks were strictly temperance drinksbuttermilk and water.

In an occasional poem on the Kit-Cat club, attributed to Sir Richard Blackmore, Jacob is read backwards into Bocaj, and we are told: "One Night in Seven at this convenient seat Indulgent Bocaj did the Muses treat; Their Drink was gen'rous Wine and Kit-Cat's Pyes their Meat.

But no drink, in any ordinary case, should be above the heat of our bodies; that is, about 98 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer.

Presently they found a brook, which ran trippingly over the pebbles, and the Brother would have drunk out of it, but the Sister heard how it said as it ran along, "Who drinks of me will become a tiger!"

Hot drinks, though they injure the powers of the stomach, and by that means and through that medium, are one principal cause of the almost universal early decay of teeth, are yet less injurious, or at least less dangerous, immediately, than cold ones.

Drink is a vice I am as little given to as another man, for I doe abhorre it in my selfe.

"If a fluff commences to get too moist around the lamps she should either plead a headache and slide for the curled hair or throw her drinks on the floor when the host is holding hands or exchanging quips with one of the other ladies in the party. "Drink is an awful thing, especially the next morning.

If a believer drinks anything deadly it will not hurt him: this deadly drink is the false doctrines of the lazy, from whom, as you contend with them, a little comes also to you.

Were I a king, I would day by day Suck up white bread and milk, And go a-jetting in a jacket of silk; My meat should be the curds, My drink should be the whey, And I would have a mincing lass to love me every day.

We talk about the Problem of Drinkas if drink could be a problem.

They eat the flesh of horses and camels, and even of dogs, if fat; and their chief drink is cosmos, made of mares milk in a particular manner, and very much resembling white wine.

Alcoholic drinks forced upon the stomach are a foreign substance; the stomach treats them as such, and refuses to go on with the process of digestion till it first gets rid of the poison.

Drink was the curse of Caribou.

30 Metaphors for  drink