9 Metaphors for yellow

Yes, Lady: for example, your Follimort is a withred leafe, which doth moralise a decay: your yellow is joy, because La. Why, yellow, Sir, is Jealous.

" "Nay, for the colors have a meaning; methinks this yellow is their sacred color.

Yellow is, then, the emblem of pure love and of impure flames.

The yellows, some 3,500 Chinese, are a true alien element.

Now he had left his hat behind him, and, as the moon shone down on his bare head, she could not but notice how bright, and yellow was his hair, despite the thick, black brows below.

Yellow and warm are merely sensations in us, which we erroneously ascribe to objects; with equal right we might ascribe to fire, as qualities inherent in it, the changes in form and color which it produces in wax and the pain which it causes in the finger brought into proximity with it.

YELLOW CLOVER.This is not a common plant, but it deserves the attention of the grazier.

Yellow and red were the apples, And the ripe pears russet-brown, And the peaches had stolen blushes From the girls who shook them down.

Robin's beard is as yellow as gold, while yon tattered beggar in scarlet hath a beard of brown, besides being blind of one eye.

9 Metaphors for  yellow