5 Metaphors for 13

Figs. 13 and 14 are saucepans, the ancient one being of bronze, originally copied from the cabinet of M. l'Abbé Charlet, and engraved in the Antiquities of Montfaucon.

There was on board 30 hhd sugar, 1 hhd & 1 bbl indigo, 13 hhd Bourdeaux wine, & provisions in plenty.

13. Is that a correct rule which says, "Two negatives, in English, destroy each other, or are equivalent to an affirmative?"

"13. Are your hopes and expectations of success increased or lessened by the events of the last year, and especially by the action of this Congress?

In 1882 England had 434 heavy modern guns behind armored shore batteries; besides these at home, she had 92 in her colonies, of which 13 were in Halifax and 11 in Bermudafor our express benefit.

5 Metaphors for  13