9 Metaphors for 6

The fifth piece likewise upon 4 iron supporters, was a globe of about 12 inches diameter, cut into 14 planes, viz. 8 triangles, equal and equilateral; and the other 6 were equal squares.

In (5) the groom buys the girl with presents to her kinsmen or herself; (6) is voluntary union; (7) forcible abduction (in war); (8) rape of a girl asleep, or drunk, or imbecile.

The 6. of October in the night, one of our men came aborde, and shewed vs what had past, when we shotte into the towne, how they were separated and kept close pris

6 is an ancient stock-pot in bronze, which seems to have been made to hang over the fire, and was found in the buried city of Pompeii.

6, 7, and 8 are different views of the flue boilers of the steamer Forth.

6. Is not the boy's worst offence a bad form of satisfying a good desire? 7.

6 is a back elevation of the same, with a front view and section of the gripping part.

The 6. of Iune wee were vnder one degree on the South side of the line, there wee founde that the streame draue vs fast into the West, and therefore wee helde our course more Northernely and sayled Northwest and by North, with an East and South East wind.

6. Is not the boy's worst offence a bad form of satisfying a good desire? 7.

9 Metaphors for  6