10 Metaphors for 8

I occupied 55 royal towns of which 8 were ordinary towns and 11 impregnable fortresses.

The 8. of Iuly wee were vnder 33. degrees and 1/2.

Roe manuscript.) 8, 9, and 10, are low, woody islets: 8 is five miles to the eastward of Cairncross Island; 9 and 10 are to the northward of 8. 11 is also low and woody, but its position was not clearly ascertained.

The 8. of Iuly wee were vnder 33. degrees and 1/2.

6, 7, and 8 are different views of the flue boilers of the steamer Forth.

Fig. 8 is a longitudinal section through 2 boilers.

It is 81, and the 8 is the same size as our S. His ear-mark is a crop, which obliterates our swallow-fork.

8. and Avicenna, "a cold and moist brain is an inseparable companion of folly."

"8 and 7 is 15, 9's out leaves 6; 3 and 8 is 11, 9's out leaves 2."Babcock's Practical Arithmetic, 1829, p. 22.

8 and 9 are two low, woody islets of about a mile and a quarter in diameter.

10 Metaphors for  8