30 Metaphors for activities

" "Activity is his strong property, and he needs be that, Herr Steinbach, who passeth the life of a mountaineer.

All that feverish activity of trench work was but a pitiable exhibition of an unprepared defence.

" This use of the word "invite" is worthy of notice, and calls to mind a sentence used by a writer on Freud, that "the activity of a human being is a constant function of his environment."

We think activity is the only form of growth.

Incessant activity of some kind had become his cravingthe only ease.

2, schol.).Since the mind does nothing without at the same time knowing that it does itsince, in other words, its activity is a conscious activity, it is not merely idea corporis humani, but also idea ideae corporis or idea mentis.

And since the Armistice, the only real activity in organized religion has been a series of "drives" for vast sums of money, in most cases professionally directed.

The industrial group activities of women are the inevitable, though belated result of the entry of women into the modern industrial system, and are called forth by the new demands which life is making upon women's faculties.

Activity, sharpness, and quickness of perception are but poor compensations for the want of the milder and more generous attributes of the mind.

Be sure therefore, gentlemen, that every man who pleads for liberty, pleads for Ireland; be sure, that every blow stricken for liberty is stricken also for Ireland; that not always the most noisy are the best friends; and prudent activity is often better service than any show of eloquent words.

The realizing activity of which we have spoken is the middle term of the syllogism, one of whose extremes is the universal essence, the Idea, which reposes in the penetralia of Spirit; and the other, the complex of external thingsobjective matter.

Activity in the promotion of public objects is the only interest left to princes, while tyranny is, for the reasons I have given, too dangerous to be carried far.

Activity, so far as we merely feel it, on the other hand, is only an impression of ours, it may be maintained; and an impression is, for all this way of thinking, only a shadow of another fact.

According to Aristotle, virtuous activity is the highest reward the good man can attain; virtue has no end beyond action; according to the modern proverb, "Virtue is its own reward.

Its only activity was a course or two of lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, delivered before the medical students about 1823 by the Rev. William E. Wyatt, Professor of Theology.

That activity is the medium by which the universal latent principle is translated into the domain of objectivity.

Its activity is the reason why in less perfect monads a definite change, a passion takes place, since the action was attainable only in this way, "compossible" with this alone.

Activity is the order of the day here.

But the overtaxed heart and brain could endure no longer thwarting; their activity and unquestioning purpose had been her only power; and the moment she ceased to struggle will and reason fled together.

Such glandular activity is an important physiological condition of these higher levels of energy.

So that, although, as he goes about the parish, he is not greeted with hisses, the clergyman is full well aware that his activity is a thorn in the side of many.

But they will be content to be misunderstood on this point, because they will be aware that such activity as they manifest is the direct effect of something larger and greater than human volition, and that the busiest lives are as much the inevitable outcome of this insuperable force as their own more secluded, more contemplative lives.

This empty, restless activity is only a bad habit of the north and brings nothing but ennui for oneself and for others.

All activity is useful, all interchange, all perception.

She was twenty-three years old, but so occupied with mental effort and physical activity had been her life, that not till now had she known one of those half-daring, half-frightened excursions of the fancy which fill the hours of any full-blooded idle girl of eighteen.

30 Metaphors for  activities