69 Metaphors for agent

The Earl's agent in the disputed territory was a Captain John Conolly, a man of violent temper and bad character.

As the real agent of relief is heat, the fomentation should always be as hot as it can comfortably be borne, and, to insure effect, should be repeated every half-hour.

The agent in Saxony was a very vulgar, boisterous, noisy, bullying Dominican, by the name of Tetzel.

The unfortunate Indian agent among the Creeks, Seagrove, speedily became an object of special detestation to the frontiersmen generally, and the inhabitants of the Tennessee country in particular, because he persistently reported that he thought the Creeks peaceable, and deemed their behavior less blameable than that of the whites.

This agent was Conolly, the unsavory hero of Lord Dunmore's war.

The chief agent in the spread of typhoid fever is impure water.

That the Turks should one day be driven out of Europe was the universal assumption, but it was the equally fixed belief that the agents of their expulsion would be the Great Powers or some of the Great Powers.

The agent employed by the English in this nefarious business was Couchon, the Bishop of Beauvais, who had been driven out of his city by Joan,an able and learned man, who aspired to the archbishopric of Rouen.

Still, they made me feel my agent had been richt.

But here the main agents were ugly birds, or snakes, or crocodiles; especially the last.

Upon every other stage the universal agent is love, by whose power all good and evil is distributed, and every action quickened or retarded.

The report was made to Washington "from many official and consular sources that the late British agent at this capital [presumably Mr. Green] was always a thorn in the side of this Government, and that he is, in part, responsible for this present war."

These were executed by an external agent upon the patient,that agent being usually the hand of the physician.

The documents appended to the report of the agent being original papers belonging to the files of the Department of State, a return of them is requested when the Senate shall have no further use for them.

Folks ain't used to the new station yet, and the ticket agents are all bran' new too,guess you got hold of a tenderfoot!"

The effective agent in this phenomenon was Angelina's serene, commanding eloquence, a wonderful gift, which enchained attention, disarmed prejudice, and carried her hearers with her.

Apart from the 'âmils, Mohammed's agents amongst the Arabian tribes, the Khalifate was the only political institution which arose out of the necessity of the Moslim community, without foreign influence.

An important agent in their destruction was alcohol.

"With all due regard to Wilbur's feelings I must say that the agent of our company is a dog.

The agents in this tale, besides men and women, are giants, enchanters, sirens: things which denote external force or internal temptations, the twofold danger which a wise fortitude must expect to encounter in its course through this world.

The people would have to blame none but themselves for any injury that might arise from a course so reckless, since their agents would be the wrongdoers and they the passive spectators.

Mr. Consul Farren, Manila, March 13th, 1845, wrote and is quoted in support of this view as follows: "The most efficient agents of public order throughout the islands are the local clergy, many of whom are also of the country.

Press agents is crafty people.

He wondered if the "police agent" was Rolfe or Chippenfield.

The agent becomes a slave of her functions; she is confined within them as a prisoner, and with every new act adds a new stone to the wall that is separating her from liberty.

69 Metaphors for  agent