26 Metaphors for agreement

In his eyes the agreement with Napoleon had been a kind of treason on the part of Cavour.

The asserted agreement of mankind in regard to the laws of thought, the principles of morality, the existence of God, etc., is neither cogent as an argument nor correct in fact.

Why are they thus published? Tell whether the following agreements are valid contracts or not, and why:

But the first thing that we have to consider, O conscript fathers, is whether peace can exist with all men, or whether there be any war incapable of reconciliation, in which any agreement of peace is only a covenant of slavery.

This agreement was obviously a mere arrangement dictated by the necessity of the moment, and was not such as would settle the question of the extent to which the doctrine of continuous voyages might be extended in dealing with contraband trade or with alleged traffic of this character.

An agreement to the clause would be no bar to the object of it.

Consequently, however strange it may sound in view of the uncertainty of all dogmas, agreement in the fundamentals of metaphysics is the chief thing, because a genuine and lasting bond of union is only possible among those who are of one opinion on these points.

13.Any phrase or sentence which is made the subject of a finite verb, must be taken in the sense of one thing, and be spoken of as a whole; so that the verb's agreement with it, in the third person singular, is not an exception to Rule 14th, but a construction in which the verb may be parsed by that rule.

Whatever ideas we have, the agreement we find they have with others will still be knowledge.

To distinguish here, with exactness, the agreement or difference between fable and religion, is not, at present, my intention.

"Clause 2 "No international agreement, to which a power signatory or adherent to this convention, is a party, shall become operative or be put in force until published and filed as aforesaid.

A pacific agreement with England is, after all, a will-o'-the-wisp which no serious German statesman would trouble to follow.

Likewise an agreement, or the shadow of an understanding with France on the question of Alsace-Lorraine would have been a recognition of French claims.

Their agreement was a minor matter.

A forced agreement would be no agreement.

These two agreements (among thinkers, and of thought with the being which is thought) are the criteria of knowledgelet us turn now to its factors.

Their invectives were no longer pointed against the Independents; "the agreement" and its advocates became the objects of their fiercest attacks.

Even if you had evidence of it, such an agreement would be a mere nudum pactum, binding neither upon himself nor his heirs.

In Italy the London Agreement was a mystery to everyone; its text was known only to the Presidents of the Council and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the War Cabinets.

The agreement of words is their similarity in person, number, gender, case, mood, tense, or form.

The new National Agreement is an improvement upon the old and the old was a long, long step in advance of anything which had preceded it.

What can you do with a man who puts on paper and records the fact, that his agreement with Dolabella is so complete, that he would kill Trebonius, and, if he could, Brutus and Cassius too, with every circumstance of torture; and inflict the same punishment on us also?

Thus an agreement made by letter, or by a memorandum of agreement, which would be binding in most cases, would be valueless when it was for a lease, unless witnessed, and given under hand and seal.

instead of which we commonly meet with ill-natured Expostulations, Noise, and ChidingsAnd this I hinted, because the Humour and Disposition of the Head, is what chiefly influences all the other Parts of a Family. 'An Agreement and kind Correspondence between Friends and Acquaintance, is the greatest Pleasure of Life.

It has never been contested that the community, whose agreement was the test of truth, should not consist of the faithful masses, but of the expert elect.

26 Metaphors for  agreement