6 Metaphors for amusing

Its first duty was to instruct, elevate and reform; to amuse was never its true function.

" "I don't think that, 'amuse' is exactly the word, Mrs. Taine," the other returned coldly.

Amusing myself is not the right expression, for I have been in the tragedies only.

It would be far more amusing than cards.

I do seriously recommend a re-reading of what should be a character full of blood, which is ever so much more amusing than sawdust, however charmingly encased.

Style is become, in a manner, a mechanical affair, and if to much ancient lore our antiquaries would add a little modern reading, to polish their language and correct their prejudices, I do not see why books of antiquities should not be made as amusing as writings on any other subject.

6 Metaphors for  amusing