8 Metaphors for analogy

The same maxim is nearly as good for the man who has to conquer difficulties in the field of government; and analogies and parallels are one way of substituting pictures for plans and charts.

Analogy is the highest form of expression, the poetry of speech; and is detachment carried so far that it goes full circle and gives a sense of unity and wholeness again.

Fechner's great analogy here is the relation of the senses to our individual minds.

Seeing that analogy as strongly suggests a further step in the same direction, while he protests that "analogy may be a deceitful guide," yet he follows its inexorable leading to the inference that "probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed.

Our analogy to calculus is the development of systems theory, chaos math and the much-celebrated fractal.

ANALOGY in these matters is the only help we have, and it is from that alone we draw all our grounds of probability.

But how far is analogy alone a justification?

Secondly, In things which Sense cannot discover, Analogy is the great Rule of Probability.

8 Metaphors for  analogy