8 Metaphors for anchors

Between here and Blue Anchor is an ancient lady chapel, once a shrine of considerable local repute.

It is certain that he jumped down on the anchor-stock, the anchor being a cock-bill, and that he ordered Mr. Hillson off of it.

Her only sheet anchor of comfort during that long, dull afternoon and evening was the thought that Bubbles' life was set on the right lines at last ... and that Mark Gifford had not changed.

'Casting anchor,' and 'cable-rope' are both Bible phrases, and they must be right.

Among rocks an anchor is a ticklish thing to confide in, and I feared it might be a difficult matter to find a proper bottom, as far out as I deemed it prudent to remain.

Then before dawn its stir is in your blood; your anchor is heaved home; your sailing-lights, white and green and red, are bravely twinkling; your propellers are tossing the waters astern; and you are off.

The anchor was no sooner aweigh, than the deck became a scene of activity.

Both anchors were at once let go.

8 Metaphors for  anchors