49 Metaphors for angel

Take it man, Sure thy good Angel is a Jew, and comes In his own shape to help thee: I could wish now Mine would appear too like a Turk.

It was well meant, of course, but probably the angels who had the matter in charge were new, young, inexperienced angels, with vague ideas of human nature and inexact knowledge of God's intentions; because a child that has no capability of doing the wrong thing will hardly be able to manage a right one; not one of the big sort, anyway.

"The feelings of our poor Christine have been unhinged, and she is too easily excited to undergo the vicissitudes of a journey" observed Adelheid, after having announced the restoration of the sufferer to her senses; "have you seen her thus before?" "No angel could be more tranquil and happy than my cruelly treated sister was until this last disgrace;you appear ignorant yourself of the melancholy truth?

Let thy holy angels be our guard, while we are not in a condition to defend ourselves, that we may not be under the power of devils or wicked men; and preserve us also, O Lord, from every evil accident, that, after a comfortable and refreshing sleep, we may find ourselves, and all that belongs to us, in peace and safety.

The devils are in woods, in waters, in wildernesses, and in dark pooly places, ready to hurt and prejudice people, &c. "The angel's like a flea, The devil is a bore;" No matter for that!

The angel was Mrs. Slapman: the demon was her husband.

Some say that an angel was his father, and that he likewise is still alive.

Its angels are actors an' tenors.

All the angels she had ever heard of were brother Harry and "the Charlie boy."

The guardian angels of kingdoms were machines too ponderous for him to manage; and therefore he rejected them, as Dares did the whirlbats of Eryx, when they were thrown before him by Entellus.

Angels presenting cherries on a plate is also a frequent circumstance, derived from the same legend.

The angels of hell is a polite and pretty paraphrase for devils, certainly.

Each angel is an individual shape of joy; the soul in each moves to its own deep melody, but the music made of all is one.

When, in such pictures, the locality is marked by the poor stable, or the rough rocky cave, it becomes "a temple full of religion, full of glory, where angels are the ministers, the holy Virgin the worshipper, and Christ the Deity.

I viewed each of them attentively, because I perceived they represented conjugial love in its life and in its decoration; in its life in their faces, and in its decoration in their raiment; for all the angels are affections of love in a human form.

That auction-block, that executioner's block, about which so much has been writtenJacob's ladder, in his dream, was nothing to what that block appeared nightly in her dreams to her; and the climbers up and downwell, perhaps Jacob's angels were his hopes, too.

ANGELS are the messengers of the Lord.

His angels are genii disimprisoned from the chalices of flowers, houris of an erotic Paradise, elemental sprites of nature wantoning in Eden in her prime.

I know that the angels of heaven are forms of God and that the angels of hell are forms of the devil, and that the two forms are opposite to each other, the latter being insanities, the former wisdoms.

" "Your angel is Lucy Gerard," replied I quietly, "and we are at this moment in her father's house.

Dante's angels are good men with wings.

Murillo's "Guardian Angel" and the "Vision of St. Antonio" are the only gems.

All the angels of heavens are witnesses to it, sir, and you shall judge.

His angels, however, are another matter.

The good angel of the situation was Shelley, who really made all the arrangements for Hunt's sojourn and presented him with the necessary furniture for his rooms.

49 Metaphors for  angel