106 Metaphors for animals

Morphology and distribution might be studied almost as well, if animals and plants were a peculiar kind of crystals, and possessed none of those functions which distinguish living beings so remarkably.

A man who has by accident fatally wounded a favourite animal feels the most acute sorrow, and the animal's dying look causes him infinite pain.

He told the people that the animals should be their food, and gave them to the people, saying, "These are your herds."

The only animals we saw were monkeys and alligators, and there were parrots in the trees.

The first animal we saw was a wolf, which, standing on the sky-line of the opposite hill, looked gigantic.

When he reached the plains proper the three characteristic animals were the elk, antelope, and, above all, the buffalo.

This animal was Sir Huddlestone Fuddlestone's favourite horse, the Nob.

I also happened to hear and read a great deal about the still more marked gregarious instincts of the llama; but the social animal into whose psychology I am conscious of having penetrated most thoroughly is the ox of the wild parts of western South Africa.

That the American has lost somewhat in animal resources is incontestable; but Mr. Knox's ever-implied premise, "The animal is the man," from which his Jeremiad derives its plaint, is but a provincial paper-currency, of very local estimation, and can never, like gold and silver, pass by weight in the world's marts of thought.

The animal with the largest mouth is usually the victor; and he has no sooner conquered his foe than he devours him.

The mangled remains of his poor pony told him that the wild animal had been a very famished tiger.

These animals, covered with scales as hard as the tortoise-shell the Spaniards under Columbus found in that river, and which, as we have said, caused them to name that stream Los Lagartos, are certainly crocodiles.

According to another native of Michael, a well-informed middle-aged man, the animal in question was oftenest a calf, and it was wont to be burnt whole, skin and all.

the Owl hissed at this folly, arguing from his particular knowledge that the animal which produced honey must be the Musk-rat, the wondrous nature of whose secretions required no proof; and, in the power

These animals were the result of one night's hunting, and now Souwanas was on his way home to have them skinned and the pelts prepared for sale to the fur traders.

The animal was a rather ill-tempered black that had arrived from Yorkshire two days previously in charge of a boy who gave him a bad character.

The most abundant game animals of forest regions are deer, elk, antelope and moose.

These animals, as you have been told, are great honey thieves, but they always had hard work to find where the timid bees had cunningly hid it away, and now they could hardly believe that right here before them was a great swarm of bees filling the air with their buzzing as they flew in and out of the knot hole.

The animal in question was probably the lacerto iguana, or it may have been a young alligator.

Pet animals, where they can be got, are the Coolie's delight, as they are the delight of the wild Indian.

The new animal was a bob cat, such as Roosevelt shoots when the man has the camera ready to catch him in the act.

None of these wild animals was used as a sacrifice; all sacrificial animals, such as cattle, pigs, etc., were domesticated animals.

Animals are the wealth of the country; and that magnificent race of cattle which has no rival in Europe for fecundity and beauty.

The South-Sea islands, for example, were found on their discovery to be well stocked with a small black hog; and the traditionary belief of the people was that these animals were coeval with the origin of themselves.

The power of generating heat in warm-blooded animals is at its minimum at birth, and increases successively to adult age; young animals, instead of being warmer than adults, are generally a degree or two colder, and part with their heat more readily; facts which cannot be too generally known.

106 Metaphors for  animals