5 Metaphors for applicant

One applicant was Noah Webster, who visited Mount Vernon in 1785, but for some reason did not engage.

The first applicant, after I entered the room, was a man apparently under forty years of age, a beerhouse keeper, who had been comparatively well off until lately.

DIVORCE: Absolute divorce for impotence, where the parties are within the degrees prohibited by the law, adultery, bigamy, extreme cruelty, habitual indulgence in violent and ungovernable temper, habitual intemperance, desertion for one year, if husband or wife has obtained a divorce elsewhere and if the applicant has been a citizen of Florida for two years.

He believed, what he would not trust his lips to utter, that this applicant was Madeline Desperiers's agent.

The request would have been refused, if the man had not gone on to say that he believed the applicant was the daughter of the crazy Puritan, who had threatened the King's life on the previous day.

5 Metaphors for  applicant