7 Metaphors for apron

Her heart might break; but the baby's aprons must be boiledto-day, next week, another week; the years stretched out into one wearisome, endless washing-day.

The apron was a sign that she had come definitely to spend the whole evening.

An apron, or maro of red feathers, is the badge of royal dignity, and great deference is paid to the chiefs.

Might not then the barbers' aprons be a tradition of the barber-surgeons?

The apron which I gave to my friend the cook, was brown gingham, had seen hard service, and cost, originally, ten cents, and half an hour's hand-sewing; but if it aids her to remember me as pleasantly as I do her, it is part of a bond of genuine friendship.

The Duchess hesitated, felt that her ground had slipped from under her, gave way with the most admirable tact, and "with great good sense and humour, begged his Majesty's pardon," Aprons were not the only red rags to the bull of ceremony.

GAO, KARVEH or KARVAH, a Persian blacksmith, whose sons had been slain to feed the serpents of the reigning tyrant, raised his leather apron on a spear, and with that for a standard excited a revolt; the revolt proved successful, and the apron became the standard of the new dynasty, which it continued to be till supplanted by the crescent.

7 Metaphors for  apron