63 Metaphors for attitudes

" Which attitude is the best?

Vera's attitude was a complete surprise to him.

"The unaccommodating attitude of the Greek Government was sufficient excuse," he remarks, in reference to the Boycott of 1912.

If it is sold to a proprietor holding or wishing to advocate different opinions, it must either frankly proclaim itself as a new thing or must make it appear by slow and solemn argumentative steps that the new attitude is a necessary development of the old.

The British representative at once suggested that the United States consul be instructed to point out to the Transvaal that such an attitude was a departure from the usual practice in not permitting the American Government to use its friendly good offices on behalf of the English prisoners of war.

As the service proceeds the ranks of the congregation kneel, stand, fall prostrate, and press the brow upon the ground with a rhythm so reverential and so dignified that the watcher forgets for a time the torn or tawdry raiment, the grime of the factory, the dust of the streets, and feels that each fresh attitude of devotion is indeed the true posture of prayer.

Mr. Sutherland French, who was made acting manager 'during Mr. Lewis Ireland's regrettable absence,' did everything in his power to show his goodwill and sympathy to the young man, but I don't think that he or any one else was much astonished when, after Mrs. Ireland's extraordinary attitude in the case had become public property, he quietly intimated to the acting manager that he had determined to sever his connection with the bank.

In a sense, the attitude of mind held by the group toward the "criminal" is the whole question.

The attitude was a singular onethe back straight, chin protruded, knees bent in a crouching position, and the arms advanced; on another occasion, one of the same men exhibited himself before us in a war dance.

Eric's attitude is capital: but his face is a little too near to the ordinary "masher."

He seemed to care nothing at all for appearances, and, as everybody knows, this comfortable attitude of mind is the privilege of the famous few.

Their unshrinking attitude was a new point of departure for those who believed in the Catholic foundation of the English Church.

An ever-ready romantic attitude toward life is the best preservative against the ennui of the years.

Her attitude toward the adored object was a combination of meekness and pretension, the latter predominating as time went on.

My whole attitude was a lie.

She sung Nina in the highest perfection; and there her attitudes were a whole theatre of grace and various expressions.

His attitude, when he is crouching for the final bound, is the embodiment of suppleness and strength.

The reserved attitude of Servia is therefore incomprehensible, and on account of its vague general form it would lead to unbridgeable difficulties.

" In giving the gesture of caress, she quoted her father as saying that the attitude of the hands in prayer is a certain form of caress.

This attitude is a stiff second.

[Sidenote:21] The attitude of the soldiers is straightway to be described.

His lolling attitudes, his drawling speech, are quite the rage, and imitated by the gilded youth of society.

This attitude of the Supreme Governor was a serious setback to Japanese policy, and they became alarmed for their position in the Far East should his authority extend in that direction; but it is not difficult as a rule to find tools for any kind of work in Russia.

Everyone is bound to pray with fervour, and a respectful attitude is a big help towards that end.

His political relations to the Congress have been touched upon elsewhere, but his attitude towards Great Britain is worth attention.

63 Metaphors for  attitudes