27 Metaphors for balances

The man and the deed must be cognate and equal, and the melodic balance and blending are what first separate Homer and Hugo from the fabricators of singular adventures.

The balance of the delegation were I.M. Leihy, S. C. Thomas, E. Cooke, and P. S. Bennett.

Moral and physical balance and proportion were the ideas of the Spartans.

How one "Power" may be aggrandized and another curtailed, how the spoils may be divided among the victors, how the "balance" may be arrangedthese kinds of considerations and these alone have influenced their minds.

All art is a union of emotion and intellect, and their perfect balance is the paramount characteristic of this master.

In this sense balance is a commercial word, and relates to accounting. Banquet.

The balance remaining in the Treasury on the 1st July, 1859, being the commencement of the present fiscal year, was $4,339,275.54.

From a struggling firm they had within a year grown into one whose wealth seemed inexhaustible, and whose balances at the Credit Lyonnais, the Société Générale, and the Comptoir d'Escompte were possibly the largest of any of the customers of those great corporations.

But it must be observed that the "Balance of Power," which was originally a distinctly European conception, has now become a world-wide conception.

In the case of Goethe the balance was greatly the other way.

Hawaii's annual trade balance since 1879 is a notable record: Excess Export Custom House Year Imports.

I got eighteen fifty in cash and the balance was junk.

The figure, indeed, does not sit at all, but the balance of the composition is the better assured.

"A just weight and [a just] balance are the Lord's.

Decade after decade the circulating medium of leading countries changes very slightly in amount, and the fluctuations in its amounts during periods of so-called "favorable balance of trade" and of "unfavorable balance of trade" are only the smallest fraction of the value of goods passing through the ports of the country.

The water space extends only 2/3 of the height, the balance being a single sheet.

In this sense balance is a commercial word, and relates to accounting. Banquet.

The balance of that school year was a season of hard study for Joel.

The wonder is not that it can make so little out of us, but rather, that it is able to make even a few fair specimens, while the balance of us are only indifferent ones.

The disturbed balance of the sexes is a thing that will right itself in one generation.

The balance of $18,012.50 remains in the Treasury. TH. JEFFERSON.

Today it is generally taken for granted that a balance of power between armed nations is no guarantee of peace and order.

But have a care to keep thy outer hand near to the inner, and the balance of thy body to the cliff, for there is no room to dance hornpipes here.

But I'm pretty sure 'twas the Commercial, and my balance there is lownot enough to cover your bill, I'm thinking."

For good or evil Germany has been convinced for nearly two decades that the balance of power in Europe was an obstacle to her world future.

27 Metaphors for  balances