6 Metaphors for balloon

[Footnote 3: Balloon was a game like tennis played with a foot-ball; but the word may be applied here to a person.

Looking up I saw that the balloon was no longer a crooked sausage.

The balloon has become a daily institution.

In the corner stood porcelain shepherds and shepherdesses, dining-room clocks from the workshop of the celebrated Lefroy, bandboxes, roulettes, fans, and the various playthings for the amusement of ladies that were in vogue at the end of the last century, when Montgolfier's balloons and Niesber's magnetism were the rage.

A balloon is the best pulpit imaginable from which to preach a sermon upon the littleness of mundane realities, firstbecause no one can hear you, and your congregation cannot therefore be held responsible for indifference to your teaching; and secondbecause at that height you are fully impressed with the truth of what you say.

The confetti, collapsed balloons and peanut shucks are the net assets of the revivaland these are left for the local managers.

6 Metaphors for  balloon