47 Metaphors for beast

My vexation and disgust may be imagined when I found the noble beast to be a miserable 8-pointer, which I would never have fired at if I could have seen its head properly.


2. Then the angel said to me, "All these wild beasts which you have seen, are not wild beasts but correspondences, and thereby representative forms of the lusts of the inhabitants whom we shall visit.

The beast was some thirty paces off in the dusk of the thicket.

"Shall not their cattle, and their substance, and every beast of their's be ours?"SCOTT'S BIBLE: Gen., xxxiv, 23.

Nay, whats more, The beast he rydds on is not usuall, Tys neyther horsse nor asse, and yet a beast Nymble & fytt for burthen.

I think this tawny scrawny beast would be a fine spread for my toast.

Western Europe is now a network of railways, tramways, high roads, wires of all sorts; its chief beasts of burthen are the railway train and the motor car and the bicycle; towns and hypertrophied villages are often practically continuous over large areas; there is abundant water and food, and the commonest form of cover is the house.

The only other beast that I can think of at this moment which has tufted ears is the lynx.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms; and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

The beasts of prey are, lions, tigers, leopards, hyenas, and wolves.

These beasts are all clodhoppers, and their feet are hobnailed boots.

Should we not read the lines thus: "'Yet one half beast is the great god

These four great beasts are four kings who shall arise out of the earth.

It's a thing I never dreamt of doing in my life, and I'm sorry the poor beast is such a scarecrow; but it's a duty to punish that sort of crime against a woman, and now I'm sure you'll lend me one of your sticks.

What a wild beast is uncollected man!

This stable is a prince's court, The crib his chair of state; The beasts are parcel of his pomp, The wooden dish his plate.

"And every beast of their's, be our's?"FRIENDS' BIBLE: ib.

Of all animals we know, the human beast has always been the most ferocious.

The principal beast of burden is the carabac or water buffalo, which is used for ploughing rice fields, as well as drawing heavy loads on sledges or on carts.

It was such as scene as one might remember in an old legend, wherein beasts and men were brothers, or such as sometimes might steal, likely something remembered from another age, into a man's dreams.

It is very evident, therefore, that this leopard beast is a symbol of the papacy.

Before the Blackfeet obtained horses in the very first years of the present century, and when their only beasts of burden were dogs, their possessions were transported by these animals or on men's backs.

I only want you to remember that all beasts, birds, reptiles, and fishes are Vertebrates, and that there are five principal classes of them.

The fourth beast with iron teeth that devoured and broke in pieces the rest was clearly the empire of Alexander, and the little horn that sprang up was the little horn which gored and mangled the helpless people of Jehovah.

47 Metaphors for  beast