6 Metaphors for betweens

Between were the cobble-stones of the Rue St. Martin and the clatter of innumerable feet.

Between was the wild valley where cattle grazed among the trees and the massive bowlders.

It was as if some bird of exquisite singing powers should be taken in a rapture of song, so that it whistled snatches here and there of its usual melody, but all between were great, whole-throated rhapsodies.

Yet the snow around the arctic willows was plainly visible only four miles away, and between were narrow specimen zones of all the principal climates of the globe.

Between was an enormous complex of habitable space.

Between was a raggedly assembled group of mares old and young, with leggy yearlings, deer-footed colts, and more than one time-worn stallion.

6 Metaphors for  betweens