80 Metaphors for blood

The reason is that in these Primitive Times, wherein the Sacrifices ... were living creatures, the Blood and the Fat were the most noble, the most august, and the most holy things.]

Both the man and woman had retained the personal regard for themselves which is so pleasant in old people, and Mrs. Blood was still as dainty as could be, in her trim gowns, generally of some fluffy black or silvery gray material, and Parasang was as strong and wholesome looking as an ox.

Ah! black blood Was his 'gainst even child and wife Fast friends to Mosby.

The blood is so essentially the nutrient element that it is called sometimes very aptly "liquid flesh."

" As regards the colour, then, whether blood or coffee were the ingredient, the mess would be sufficiently dark to be called "black.

Money is false and light unless it be Bought by a man's own worthy qualities; And blood is such that its corrupt disease And ignorant pretence are foul to see.

That, if God truly said that man was made in His image, and said, moreover, as it were at the same moment, that, therefore, whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shedour duty was to trust God, to obey God, and to do our duty against the murderer, however painful to our feelings it might be.

Blood is an excellent thing for young hounds, nay, for all hounds, early in the season; but we don't want to chop any cubs before they know where they are or what it all means.

Blood is a hot, sweet, temperate, red humour, prepared in the mesaraic veins, and made of the most temperate parts of the chylus in the liver, whose office is to nourish the whole body, to give it strength and colour, being dispersed by the veins through every part of it.

The following is a strong expression of one, who cannot, however, be considered an unprejudiced observer, on occasion of some disputed points between the Dutch and English maritime tribunals"The decisions of our courts cause much ill-will among these people, whose hearts' blood is their purse."

It is time we remembered that History does not concern herself about material wealth,that the life-blood of a nation is not that yellow tide which fluctuates in the arteries of Trade,that its true revenues are religion, justice, sobriety, magnanimity, and the fair amenities of Art,that it is only by the soul that any people has achieved greatness and made lasting conquests over the future.

The blood, in its circulation through the body, is constantly becoming impure; and as it thus comes back impure to the heart, is as constantly sent to the lungs, where it comes in close contact with the air which we breathe, and is purified.

"But innocent blood" "There ain't a drop of innocent blood in the whole damned train.

Blood is a great gatherer of evil spirits.

It is fortunate for the inhabitants of that country, that tigers seldom survive any wound; their blood being always in a state predisposing to putrefaction, consequence of the extreme heat, and their living entirely on animal food....

'Water and blood,' that is 'serum' and 'crassamentum', mean simply 'blood,' the blood of the animal or carnal life, which, saith Moses, 'is the life'.

Ah, perpetrate the deed; Kill me; and drag me, palpitating yet, Before thy judge austere: my blood will be A proud acquittance for thee.

Their bones often form a substitute for ivory; their skins, when calves, are manufactured into vellum; their blood is the basis of Prussian blue; their sinews furnish fine and strong threads, used by saddlers; their hair enters into various manufactures; their tallow is made into candles; their flesh is eaten, and the utility of the milk and cream of the cow is well known.

And for our daily infirmities and escapes, whereby we pollute ourselves, his blood "is a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness," Zech.

For anything he knew, it might be physically true, that human blood was the best manure for the land; but who ought to shed it on that account?

There is a dungeon, in whose dim drear light What do I gaze on!... An old man, and a female young and fair, Fresh as a nursing mother, in whose veins The blood is nectar ... Here youth offers to old age the food, The milk of his own gift....

Immediately they were aware of the treachery of the absent Indian, and resolved with one voice that his blood should be an atonement for the act.

For of such God still makes kings in plenty: and these men Will squander little substance and gain much, Knowing that virtue and not blood shall be Their titles to true immortality.

Rein-deer blood is also a viand with these people, and being boiled, either by itself or mixed with wild berries, in the stomach of the animal from whence it was taken, forms a kind of black-pudding.

If blood be the price of admiralty, Lord God, we ha' paid in full.

80 Metaphors for  blood