5 Metaphors for breaker

A house of hollow laughter was leftof pretense"stunts"of prescribed rules and intolerance with all breakers of rules even though the breakers of rules were dreamers of dreams.

These breakers are huge, dark buildings that remind you of castles of the olden time.

As a consequence, the breakers that did suddenly show themselves from a cause like this, were the heaviest of all, and the little dingui would have fared badly had it been caught on a reef, at the precise moment when such a sea tumbled over in foam.

The position of the vessel when we saw the breakers was in latitude 28 degrees 53 minutes and in longitude 114 degrees 2 minutes, and from the short interval between our obtaining sights for the chronometer and the meridional observation at noon, the position may be considered to be tolerably correct.

breakers all around!" was the ominous cry a moment afterward, and all was confusion.

5 Metaphors for  breaker