17 Metaphors for bullet

I was using my favorite rifle, the little Springfield with which I have killed most kinds of African game, from the lion and elephant down; the bullets were the sharp, pointed kind, with the end of naked lead.

"It is a mercy that I was by, else might a bullet have been your welcome.

Ballistic testimony from an expert who was a state witness was brought to show that the fatal bullet was not Sacco's, but to no avail.

" "I had rather have a full hour of hot fightin' than such idleness, when we know that soon the bullets will be whistlin' around our ears," Jacob replied, and just then John Sammons came up, as he said: "I reckon they're goin' to bring their siege-guns with 'em this time.

These bullets are the aukwardest things in the world.

The bullets in the wounds were German bullets.

One old man in a white beard continued to cry, over and over again, "Firearms are not our weapons... bullets are not our weapons.

"That 150-grain soft-nose bullet is some executioner," he declared, forcefully.

Would you not suppose these persons had been whispered, by the Master of the Ceremonies, the promise of some momentous destiny? and that this lukewarm bullet on which they play their farces was the bull's-eye and centrepoint of all the universe?

The bullet was a ricochet, and struck the tigress below the chest, and travelled towards the heart, but without touching it.

A bullet whizzed by him, and then another, and with each report there came a derisive cheer.

"The bullet was virtually a hypodermic syringe; the poison in this cigar has been introduced, in the form of an alcoholic or ethereal solution, by a hypodermic syringe.

It was possible, to be sure, that the bullet which narrowly missed my head in the little dining-room had been a wild shot that carried no evil intent.

Bullets aren't the sort of things that frighten me.

" A bullet makes the merciful wound; and a bullet through the head is a simple way of going.

In fact, he had warned Adam that there was a risk and the bullet that struck the pillar was a significant hint.

" "No! a bullet is too honourable a death for a brigand," cried the angry general: "a cart with the shafts turned upa cord round your neckthat is the fitting reward.

17 Metaphors for  bullet