19 Metaphors for cabinet

Politics made strange bedfellows; Cabinets were sometimes the oddest hybrids.

" "What furniture is there in the drawing-room?" "A cabinet, six or seven chairs, a Chesterfield sofa, a piano, a silver-table, and one or two occasional tables.

He farther urged that as Lord Ellenborough was a privy councillor, and as the cabinet is only a select committee of the Privy Council, he was, "in fact, as liable to be summoned to attend the cabinet, as a privy councillor, as he was in his present situation.

The intention was unsounda fantasya dream of bravery in old agebegotten of the erroneous supposition that the cabinets of Christendom would remain unconcerned spectators of the triumph of the Greeks, or even of any very long procrastination of their struggle.

"Oh, bah!" said I to myself; "Sumner told me that cabinet was just fifty dollars.

England might now have withdrawn from the contest but for her alliance with France,an entangling alliance, indeed; but Lord Palmerston, seeing that war was inevitable, withdrew his resignation, and the British cabinet became a unit, supported by the nation.

This Cabinet, thus selected from the whole Parliament, was the responsible executive of the country; and under the Supreme Council a series of Provincial Councils and County Councils were to be formed along the same lines.

His first Cabinet was a coalition.

The Cabinet of the conspiracy was at least as much a restraint to suffragettes as an incentive.

The minister's cabinet was also down-stairs, communicating by a small staircase with his bedroom, just overhead.

The "Cabinet."%It has long been the custom for the President to gather his secretaries about him on certain days in each week for the purpose of discussing public measures.

[Illustration: Cabinet in Mahogany with Bronze Gilt Mountings, Presented by Napoleon I. to Marie Louise on his Marriage with her in 1810 Period: Napoleon I.] The cabinet which was designed and made for Marie Louise, on his marriage with her in 1810, is an excellent example of the Napoleonic furniture.

The cabinet were nearly all Hamiltonians, regularly laid all the official secrets before Hamilton, and took advice from him to thwart the President.

The Cabinet is the Board of Directors of the British Empire.

The Spanish Cabinet was, moreover, desirous of widening the breach between the Catholics and Protestants of France, an attempt in which it was zealously seconded by the Pope, who was readily persuaded that no measure could be so desirable for the accomplishment of such a purpose as a union between the two crowns.

The back, with a well-dressed window on the street, full of toilette articles, was the barber and hairdressing-room, very neatly arranged, with modern set bowls and mirrors, cabinets full of towels, well-filled shelves of all the things that make such a place profitable.

The cabinet is neither the creation of the constitution, nor strictly of law.

His cabinet were Robert Smith, secretary of state; Albert Gallatin, secretary of the treasury; William Eustis, secretary of war; Paul Hamilton, secretary of the navy, and Caesar Rodney, attorney-general.

The Cabinet was merely a frame to which were attached black muslin or cloth curtains, and a Spirit can emerge at the side quite as conveniently as in front.

19 Metaphors for  cabinet