6 Metaphors for cary

Alice Cary was its first president.

Lot Cary, one of the earliest emigrants, was an earnest missionary, and besides efficient work at home he established mission stations at Cape Mount and elsewhere.

Cary, the Dante Cary, is a model quite as plain as Parson Primrose, without a shade of silliness.

My dear Cary, do not be an ass.

Archibald Cary, who threatened to stab Patrick Henry if he were made dictator, was a relative of Lord Falkland and heir apparent at his death to the barony of Hunsdon.

[Footnote 1: Lucius Cary, second Viscount Falkland (1610-1643), who was killed at the battle of Newbury in the great Civil War, was a generous patron of learning and of the literary men of his day.

6 Metaphors for  cary