11 Metaphors for casey

And Casey is no carpenter.

" Casey is a simple soul, too trustful by far.

"Casey is a fool!" "Casey!"

He played me fer a sucker and I told yuh about it, and yuh thought Casey was stringin' yuh.

"Casey is a fool!" "Casey!"

Casey was a good fellow, and he never needed his memory jogged when he owed a man.

Casey is a rather case-hardened bachelor, but I suspect that Lucy Lily scared him from the beginning.

There was no telling how long Injun Jim would be able to eat jam, but Casey was a good gambler.

Casey is not a coward, and he takes most things as a matter of course, but he admits that he has always hated and distrusted Furnace Lake beyond all the dry lakes in Nevada,and there are many.

Still, red mud will work miracles of disfigurement, and Casey was an optimist by nature.

But Casey was a particularly objectionable man for a father-in-law, and his objections to Hefty were equally strong.

11 Metaphors for  casey