8 Metaphors for cavaliers

The Puritans were sober and industrious, quiet, fanatically religious and strict, while the cavaliers were polite, gallant, brave, good livers and quite fond of display.

There is abundant proof that the book is really a work of fiction and that the Cavalier is an imaginary character; but, in one sense, it is a true history, inasmuch as the author has studied the events and spirit of the time in which his scene is laid and, though he makes many mistakes of detail, he gives us a very true picture of one of the most interesting periods in English and European history.

The exegencies of poverty and exile through which King Charles had passed made him resolve not to "go again upon his travels," and for this cause he tolerated the Episcopal religion, of which system the cavaliers were votaries; and they supported the royal prerogative.

In the preface to that edition it was argued that the Cavalier was certainly a real person.

Whether the cavaliers were Indians or Thurstane and his four recruits he had been unable to make out.

This cavalier was our friend Ralph, who, having deposited Mr. Jinks upon the earth before they emerged from the willows in sight of the Bower of Nature, now came on, laughing, and ready for any adventure which should present itself.

Generally the cavaliers were the "king's men," or royalists, and the Puritans republicans.

I don't expect so, because cavaliers always were gentlemen, and puritans of any century only of the middle classes.

8 Metaphors for  cavaliers