22 Metaphors for cent

The truth was, you know, twenty-five cents is a kind of cup of cold water to Jimmy Wigley, and then there was the fun of bringing it in, and I didn't know anybody but you to offer it to; I'm so glad you like it; the girls thought you wouldn't.

One cent being all the money he had other than twenty-dollar bills, he asked for one cent's worth.

"Twenty cents a day is pretty economical living," he reflected, as he studied the stars visible through a chink in the roof.

"Twenty Cents," was the Reply of the Liquor Clerk.

"That air tew cents was fer the flour-sifter," inwardly mourned Angy, "an' it was wuth double an' tribble, fer it's been a good friend ter me fer nigh on ter eight year.

This was close to the figures regarded as ideal by Chinese early economists for the producing family (100 mou) considering the fact that about 80 per cent of all families at that time were producers.

Whereas only 5 per cent of the population under 60 years are paupers, the proportion is 40 per cent in the case of those over 70.

During the last two years, 89 per cent of the persons appointed in the islands have been Filipinos.

Whyerfifty cents a piece is my price to nabobs; an' dirt cheap at that!"

In the vicinity of Manila, twelve and a half cents per day is the usual wages; this in the provinces falls to six and nine cents.

Five cents were really as much wealth three hundred years ago as a dollar is to-day.

The habits of the Americans being essentially gregarious, and business teaching the truism that a cent saved is a cent gained, hackney coaches are comparatively little used by the men; for it must be remembered that idlers in this country are an invisible minority of the community!

"Thirty-five cents," was the answer.

Three cents a week was, I believe, for years the limit of my personal income, and I am compelled to own that this sum was not expended at book-stalls, or for the benefit of the heathen who appealed to the generosity of professors' daughters through the treasurer of the chapel Sunday-school; but went solidly for cream cakes and apple turnovers alternately, one each week.

Twenty cents, thirty cents, fifty cents, sixty cents, were the values of the gold found in the pans, and at nightfall he washed his banner pan, which gave him a dollar's worth of gold-dust from a shovelful of dirt.

Postage Stamps introduced.%At that time (1840) three cents was the postage for a local letter which was not delivered by a carrier.

Whatever you may say, fifty per cent on your capital in a month and a half is pretty good business.

60 cents) is an excellent volume.

An extra twenty-five cents was the reward of his devotion.

I have been engaged in gathering statistics, and have found sixty-three per cent of all persons who applied for assistance at the various institutions were impostors, while many were swindlers and professional burglars.

Only 11 per cent of the hired workers in agriculture (in 1900) were over 35 years of age.

"What is that you said, Mr. Tutt?" "That ninety-nine per cent of the laws by which we are governed are unwritten laws, just as binding as the printed ones upon our statute books, which after all are only the crystallization of the sentiments and opinions of the community based upon its traditions, manners, customs and religious beliefs.

22 Metaphors for  cent