129 Metaphors for changing

The incessant use of "do" and "did," and the changing of o's into a's are two great characteristics of the Gloucestershire talk.

These stupendous changes are the results of human energy, and they reach, in their moral prestige, their progressive influence, through every vein and artery of governmental and social compacts, affecting political institutions, shaping national policy, and forcing, by their resistless demonstrations, change and mutations of opinions upon all men.

And that change is the very stuff of which life consists (not that change is taking place at this moment, but that this moment is change), that means another revolution in the world of thought, and it gives to life a fresh meaning.

'Change taking place' is a unique content of experience, one of those 'conjunctive' objects which radical empiricism seeks so earnestly to rehabilitate and preserve.

And to this day a sudden change from gloom to exhilaration is a popular and effective incidentas when, at the end of a melodrama, the handcuffs are transferred from the wrists of the virtuous naval lieutenant to those of the wicked baronet, and, through the disclosure of a strawberry-mark on his left arm, the lieutenant is recognized as the long-lost heir to a dukedom and £50,000 a year.

" "I mean," said he, "that change and eternity are all the conditions necessary to cause everything to come to pass.

The change in b is a response, due to b's capacity for taking account of a's influence, and that again seems to prove that b's nature is somehow fitted to a's nature in advance.

But we thought evolution was a change from the homogeneous, incoherent to the heterogeneous and coherent: surely the change from five toes to one must have been a misfortune on the whole, if the flexibility of the human hand accounts for man's intellect.

This change, this restraint had been increasingly manifest since his occupation of the cave, and it had marked, at the same time, a growing barrier between himself and Fenris.

The change was tonic to him.

He thinks a change of scene would be good for both of us, poor lepers that we are.

It partakes of, and is carried along with, the revolutionary movement of our age: the political changes of the day were the model on which he formed and conducted his poetical experiments.

This change is the condition precedent for all the other kinds of improvement that are connoted by such a term as "civilization."

The Pont au Change (then covered on each side with houses and shops occupied by goldsmiths and money-changers) was the place where these people carried on their trade; and they had the privilege of hanging their cages against the houses, even without the sanction of the proprietors.

The late change in the Government of Spain, by the reestablishment of the constitution of 1812, is an event which promises to be favorable to the revolution.

Their changes are not complete annihilations followed by complete creations of something absolutely novel.

The first change in the yolk, after the formation of the Purkinjean vesicle, is the appearance of minute dots near the wall at the side opposite the vesicle.

The young man, as we have said, had once more donned his rude forest costume; and even at the risk of appearing to undervalue the graces and attractions of civilization with the costume, which is a necessary part thereof, we must say that the change was an improvement.

Morning and noon and midnight exquisitely, Wrapt with your voices, this alone we knew, Cities might change and fall, and men might die, Secure were we, content to dream with you, That change and pain are shadows faint and fleet,

And then the astonishing change of key: "I will be Paris, and for love of thee, Instead of Troy shall Wurtemberg be sacked," etc.

The change which she now contemplated was a revolution.

A third change that has been demonstrated as a result of muscular work is the accumulation of waste products in the muscle tissue.

The troops were wearing light summer clothing, drill shorts and tunics, and the sudden change from the heat and dryness of the plain to bitter cold and wet was a desperate trial, especially to the Indian units, who had little sleep that night.

The two most radical changes of all are, of course, the initiative and referendum, and women's suffrage.

Frequens, etc.: constant change of abode is a sign of unstable mind.

129 Metaphors for  changing