6 Metaphors for chemistry

But chemistry is often misunderstood, in two ways: in the one case, by the incredulity of total ignorance; in the other, by the overcredulity of imperfect knowledge.

Blood chemistry of our time is a marvel, undreamed of a generation ago.

THE CHEMISTRY OF THE SOUL Besides, it is time that the secrets of the laboratories stepped out into the market place, unashamed.

The chemistry of the last century and the early decades of this was largely a descriptive science, such as the natural history branches, zoology, and botany are still in great part.

Not merely to the physical ones, else Turner's "Chemistry" and Watson's "Practice of Medicine" are great poems.

"X Y Z" was in need of a chemist's assistant, and from his earliest years, said one of the letters, chemistry had been the study of studies for T. Sandys.

6 Metaphors for  chemistry