13 Metaphors for chronicle

When it touches his own reign the dry chronicle becomes an interesting and connected story, the oldest history belonging to any modern nation in its own language.

The chronicle which bears the name is, according to him, a work of fiction, written by some Spanish De Foe, who had read the common narratives of the conquest of Mexico, but who had no personal knowledge of the scene in which his story is laid.

The oldest chronicles that we have of Armeniaand there are manywander off into the histories of other peopleof the Byzantines, for instance, and even of the Crusaders.

It is worth noting that just as the Brehon Laws are the laws of Ireland without distinction of province or district; as the language of Irish literature is the language of Ireland without distinction of dialects; as the Dindshenchus contains the topographical legends of all parts of Ireland, and the Festilogies commemorate the saints of all Ireland; so the Irish chronicles from first to last are histories of the Irish nation.

The Chronicle was the source from which the first word would be expected; it would give the people of Wellington their cue as to the position which they must take in regard to this distressful affair, which had so far transcended in ferocity the most extreme measures which the conspirators had anticipated.

In spite of the fact that the population of Wellington was two thirds colored, this state of things was gall and wormwood to the defeated party, of which the Morning Chronicle was the acknowledged organ.

The Chronicle was not a poor little weekly sheet, struggling into existence anyhow, at haphazard, dependent on other newspapers for all except purely local items of news.

Our chronicles are his authentic witnesses, that King John was deposed by the same plea, and Philip Augustus admitted tenant.

The Chronicle is the leading newspaper of the city.

Old chronicles, tournaments, jewelry, precious stones, Maryism, nature from every conceivable point of view, dreams and premonitions, visions and hallucinations, religion of the renunciatory type, the pain that clarifies, the friendship that weeps, Catholic painting and lute music, and lovehuman and divinethese are the main themes in this tale.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is an important record of contemporaneous events for the historian.

As this bescribbled chronicle is the record of my follies as well of my hauts faits, I needn't hesitate to say that for a moment I was a good deal vexed.

The oldest chronicles that we have of Armeniaand there are manywander off into the histories of other peopleof the Byzantines, for instance, and even of the Crusaders.

13 Metaphors for  chronicle