7 Metaphors for cigarette

The cigarette is the defiling medium through which these direful results frequently invade the system, and the easily moulded condition of youth yields readily to the destructive snare.

But I had my mind and my heart set on getting those fagsa cigarette is a fag to every British soldierto my destination with me.

Cigarettes and chocolates, and pretty editions, like gloves, and boxes of flowers, are every pretty woman's lawful spoils; but costlier gifts are to be looked on with suspicion.

III.Under Another Flag Cigarette was the pet of the army of Africa, and was as lawless as most of her patrons.

I have known many American men who taught their wives to smoke; and I do not know one who has not lived to regret it, when the cigarette he fancied would be an occasional luxury became a necessity.

But I had my mind and my heart set on getting those fagsa cigarette is a fag to every British soldierto my destination with me.

Two unfavorable facts accompany this serious drawback: one is, that owing to the insidious nature of the smoky poison (cigarettes are its worst form)

7 Metaphors for  cigarette