39 Metaphors for circling

The family circle is a kind of dead linethe ring of fire which keeps out the wild beasts.

In the Celtic mysteries of the Druids, the temple of initiation was either oval, to represent the mundane egga symbol, as has already been said, of the world; or circular, because the circle was a symbol of the universe; or cruciform, in allusion to the four elements, or constituents of the universe.

Here he discovered that the paths were rough; there that the family circle was ill seated: sometimes the young arbours did not afford sufficient shade, and Virginia might be better pleased elsewhere.

In a roped-off semi-circle below the platform were deep upholstered chairs wherein rested the members of the Irish parliament.

the sublunary generations to the periods of the celestial bodies; and the circle of the former is the image of the latter.

" Elisha Boone's domestic circle was a termagancyas Kate often told his gueststempered by wit and good-humor.

From the centre of the crank shaft, draw a line perpendicular to the centre line of the cylinder and crank shaft, and draw another perpendicular at a distance from the first equal to the amount of the lap and the lead of the valve: the points in which this line intersects the circle of the eccentric are the points in which the centre of the eccentric should be placed for the forward and reverse motions.

Outside, Sheridan Circle was almost a thing of beauty in its vague outline; even the squat ridiculous bronze horse had a certain dignity in the blue shadow.

And the circle was the face of the clock, and the rod the rail of my bed.

The little circle of Germans who have displayed such brilliant organising ability in commerce and industry are practical men, who look at the war and the days to follow the war in the cold light of debit and credit.

He was represented as a man with a horned cap, carrying a bow and issuing from a winged circle, which circle was the emblem of ubiquity and eternity.

The hour circle, F, is half of a similar card, with the hours painted underneath, and divided to 20 minutes.

"With respect to the form of this ornament, I observe, that a circle is a more agreeable figure than a square, a globe than a cube, and a cylinder than a parallelopipedon.

A circle is a line which meets its other end without ending.

We choose the circle for exalting and caressing, because the circle is the most agreeable form to touch and to caress.

Pythagoras discovered that of all figures having the same boundary, the circle among plane figures and the sphere among solids are the most capacious.

They were all her dearest friends, however, and no matter how strong personal passion was beyond her immediate presence, her circle was a neutral ground which no one thought of violating.

This circle must be eight inches in diameter.

Thus the mind perceives that WHITE is not BLACK, that a CIRCLE is not a TRIANGLE, that THREE are more than TWO and equal to ONE AND TWO.

The circle in which the children stand for the singing is itself a perfect representation of unity.

Now, inscribe in the earth an icosahedron, the sphere inscribed in it will be Venus: inscribe an octahedron in Venus: the circle inscribed in it will be Mercury."

The circle of one's friends was, in those days, the framework of one's whole being; within which was to be found all that life had to offer, and outside of which no interest, however fruitful, no passion, however profound, no art, however soaring, was of the slightest account.

The great circle of Maumbury Rings was the original stadium or coliseum of the Roman town; the tiers of seats when filled are estimated to have held over twelve thousand spectators.

The circle, when formed, was about six feet in diameter.

" "Your circle of flame is the last terror, and Man exists only to break through, that he may come out of it free.

39 Metaphors for  circling