6 Metaphors for circumferences

Its circumference was about fifteen miles; the streets were regular, and crossed one another at right angles, being wide enough for free passage of both carriages and foot passengers.

Curiosity induced him to measure the prodigious tree, on which they were perched, and he found that its circumference was 28 metres.

At 3 feet from the ground its circumference is 57 feet 9 inches; at 134 feet, 17 feet 5 inches; the extreme length 245 feet....

The circumference of the circle formed by them is 124 kilometers (nearly 77 miles) and the space included in it amounts to 1,200 square kilometers.

HEADThe head should be large and massive, the circumference of the skull being more than double the length of the head from nose to occiput.

It is a symbol of the universe, the sun being represented by the point, while the circumference is the universe.

6 Metaphors for  circumferences