13 Metaphors for coincidence

The only real objections are the statements that hallucinations are always morbid (which is no longer the universal belief of physiologists and psychologists), and that the alleged coincidences of a phantasm of a person with the unknown death of that person at a distance are 'pure flukes.'

These coincidences between fiction and reality are perhaps the very circumstances to which the success of these novels is in a great measure to be attributed: for, without depreciating the merit of the artist, every spectator at once recognizes in those scenes and faces which are copied from nature an air of distinct reality, which is not attached to fancy-pieces however happily conceived and elaborately executed.

It seems quite incredible that these accumulated coincidences should be merely the result of accident.

The coincidence to which I at present allude is this: in all these Mysteriesthe incipient ceremony of initiationthe first step taken by the candidate was a lustration or purification.

Coincidence is a special and complex form of chance, which ought by no means to be confounded with the everyday variety.

But it is to be noted that this coincidence is not a crucial occurrence in a story, but only a part of the story-teller's framework or mechanisma device for introducing fresh series of adventures.

The coincidence was suspicions.

But these two chances, multiplied into one another, yield an ultimate chance of about one to four thousand trillions that the prisoner's left thumb will exactly resemble the print of some other person's thumb, both as to the pattern and the scar which crosses the pattern; in other words such a coincidence is an utter impossibility.

The coincidence in the replies of different planters to the questionWhat are the advantages of freedom over slavery?

Who said coincidence was the exception and not the rule?" His last words drifted gently away, and in their wake followed an awkward silence.

Similarly as to the argument from coincidence: if, as before, we possess Manetho's genuine list intact, and if we have the clear testimony of the monuments giving a precisely similar record, this coincidence, apart from all independent value to be given to Manetho or to the monuments, is an effect demanding a cause, for which the most probable is the objective truth from which both these veracious records have been copied.

Again, the coincidence of the inscription to his rather peculiar nickname would have been a perennial source of playful comment in a camp that made no allowance for sentimental memories.

At least the coincidence is too remarkable a fact not to be worthy of investigation.

13 Metaphors for  coincidence