34 Metaphors for combinations

Q.From all this it appears that a combination of cast iron and malleable iron is the best for the beams of engines? A.Yes, and for all beams.

That this was said of him by a Roman, and not invented for him by Plutarch, seems probable because the combination is one peculiarly Roman; so Livy, when he wishes to describe the finest type of Roman character, says that a certain man was "haud minus libertatis alienae quam suae dignitatis memor."

But Bismarck decided that this combination was the safest in Germany's interest: so he set to work to play upon Austria's fear of Russia, and to embroil Italy with France in North Africa; and his manoeuvres were duly rewarded.

The combination of the two was perfection.

Card combinations are but frills to hang around their necks.

From a literary point of view the second volume of "Sylvie and Bruno" lacks unity; a fairy tale is all very well, and a novel also is all very well, but the combination of the two is surely a mistake.

It is for this reason that the combination of many to diminish the trade of one is an unlawful combination; the combination may be punished although all the acts done are within the letter of the law; and when the conspiracy is evidenced by unlawful acts, the conspiracy may be punished far more severely than the acts could have been punished themselves.

The combination of the belfry or spire with the Grecian style is a violation of propriety; but I like it.

Either position is in itself intelligible, but the combination is an absurdity.

No less an authority than Mr. John Morley, M.P., remarked when he first heard of General Booth's scheme, that he considered that its combination of religion with the other details of the plan of campaign was its most hopeful feature, and would be most likely to ensure its success.

Forty-five seconds elapsethe time necessary for the combination to be effectedforty-five seconds during which it seems to me that my heart ceases to beat.

"The combination of different nations in one State is as necessary a condition of civilised life as the combination of men in society.

Ericsson was a combination of certain capacities and characteristics; a combination of other capacities and characteristics would not have been Ericsson, and any discussion of such a supposition is therefore aside from the purpose of this sketch.

This combination of joy and self-prostration is a great deal too universal to be ignored.

"A combination of the strongest acids ever known!" was the answer of Ham Logan.

The ministerial combination which accepted this pact with the immitigable enemy of the unity of Italy, whose sole motive for hostility to Crispi was the latter's invincible antagonism to the temporal power and the immixtion of the Church in civil affairs, comprised a leading Republican and Radical, Nicotera, and Rudiní, the chief of the ultra-Conservative group, beside members of various groups of intervening shades of politics.

BY W.F. DURAND, PH.D. The exact combination of inspiration, heredity, and environment which serves to produce genius will perhaps ever be a problem beyond the skill of human intelligence.

All he can teach thee about it is pure magic; every combination of sounds is a phase of a higher existence, and for this reason Beethoven feels that he is the founder of a new sensuous basis in the spiritual life.

The combination of words into propositions, being an addition or subtraction of arbitrary symbols or marks, is called judgment; the combination of propositions into syllogisms, inference; the united body of true or demonstrated principles, sciencehence mathematics is the type of all knowledge.

Although the ancients did not fail to perceive the economic connection between agriculture and the rearing of cattle, and in particular the importance of producing manure, the modern combination of the growth of corn with the rearing of cattle was a thing foreign to antiquity.

The combination was his invention.

"There's one thing sure," he said, "the combination, whatever it is, is of such a nature that it could not be discovered accidentallyby a person leaning on the cabinet, for instance.

Preece finally decided that a combination of conduction and induction was the best means of wireless communication.

With Reinhold he holds consciousness (as the combination of a manifold into objective unity) to be the common root of sensibility and understanding, and with Schulze, the concept of the thing in itself to be an imaginary or irrational quantity, a thought that cannot be carried out; it is not only unknowable, but unthinkable.

The possible combinations and mutations of the twenty-six letters of our alphabet, are many millions of millions.

34 Metaphors for  combinations